1973 October 'AT THE TOP OF THE TWINS' FRIDLE � FALL OCTOBER, 1973 Fridley Computerizes Public Hearing Water B Flood Plain Zoning Fridley water bills are now being prepared by a computer as part of a program the city is engaged in to develop a computer based, management informa ion system--This systemwM do much of the routine "paperwork" Planning Commission for the city, such as the computation and printing of payroll checks and reports, utility bills and general accounting. As a byproduct, the system will provide for an analysis of these operations and for much greater accounting detail on the November 7, 1973 use of city funds and personnel by programs. This information will be used by the city manager and the council to become better informed of the total cost of city programs. City Council The utility billing portion of the system was started in August when one- fourth of the city's water bills were sent out. An additional 2,000 bills will be sent each month. The bills will look different from what Fridley residents November 12, 1973 are used to seeing, but it is expected that when errors are detected and "purged" from the system the bills will give improved accuracy, more information, and will cost less to generate than the old system. Fridley residents are asked There will be a Public Hearing to continue the cost saving practice of filling out and returning "self-read" meter before the Planning Commission cards as before. Procedures for paying water and sewer bills are unchanged. on November 7, 1973 and before the City Council on November 12, Fridley Test City for LOGIS 1973 concerning the adoption of To begin with, the bills will have some x's marking out inappropriate a new zoning district called headings, with footnotes to explain. This is because the system is being used "Creek and River Protection Dis- on a test basis by Fridley as the first Minnesota city to try the system. If trict". everything works out, the system—after being modified to meet the needs of The purpose of the ordinance Fridley and other users—will be purchased and operated locally. Presently, is to guide and regulate the the system, the only one of its kind in the country, is operated by the firm of orderly development of such land Optimum Systems, Inc., at Palo Alto, California. It was originally developed to preserve and protect the nate- for the City of Sunnyvale California. The test period, expected to last several ral'state of the Creeks and Rivers, months, is part of a program being conducted by LOGIS to develop an "on-line", to prevent polluting materials computerized management information system for use by Minnesota Muni- from being carried directly into cipalities. the nar urai streams, to preserve LOGIS, which stands for Local Government Information Systems, is a joint adequate ground water in filtra- powers organization of Fridley, nine other municipalities, the State, and Metro- tion, to protect surface and politan Council which was formed to enable pooling of resources to pay for ground water supplies, to pro- the development of the computer system. Using this "pooling" approach, Fridley mote public health, safety and and the other municipal LOGIS members will be able to have the advantages general welfare by minimizing of advanced data processing techniques previously unavailable because of the losses due to periodic flooding, high cost of systems and equipment. and to eliminate the obstruction Express Mail Payroll of flood flow that would cause The new system, which Fridley first started using in June of this year for hazard to life and property. payroll processing, is characterized by "on-line" data input and inquiry, and With the adoption of this or- "batch" printing of reports. Fridley office personnel type payroll data, such dinance, the City would become as hours worked and activity worked on, into a typewriter-like machine, called eligible for flood insurance the "terminal" in the Fridley office. The terminal transmits the information through the Federal Subsidized typed to the computer by means of a special low-cost "data communications" Insurance Program. If you have network consisting of leased and shared telephone lines. The computer stores any qustions concerning this or-- the information, and when so instructed will "process" the data computing dinance or flood insurance, please paychecks and other payroll reports at the computer center in Palo Alto. The feel free to contact Jerrold Board- completed reports are delivered to Fridley through the Post Office Department's man, Planning Assistant,560-3450. new Express Mail Delivery Service within 24 hours of the time they leave the computer room. (Continued on page 2) THERE WILL BE AN ELECTION IN NOVEMBER FOR WARD II ONLY. General Election—November 6, 1973. TO BE ELIGIBLE TO VOTE you must be: * 18 years of age or older * a U.S. Citizen a resident of Minnesota for 20 days with proof of residency REGISTER TO VOTE, if you have: WIN * not registered or voted in Fridley during the last 4 years l f * reached age 18 since the last election or by November 6, 1973 yi * changed your name since registering * Become a naturalized citizen r If a person is not registered 20 days prior to an election, he may OSHA Requirements register and vote at the polling place of his precinct on Election Day. TO AVOID LONG WAITS ELECTION DAY—REGISTER IN ADVANCE! If it appears that you are seeing more hard hats and reflectorized vests these days it is not your imagination. CRIME WATCH Under OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Act) regulations all City em- The Fridley Police D e p a r t m e n t ployees working on roadways must wear hard hats and high visibility Fishes to advise residents that October vests. The purpose of the law is to 1st is the starting date for the Gov- n _ insure safe and healthful working con- ernor's Crime Watch Program and s ditions in all areas of labor. that we are prepared to furnish in- formation and material to mark your property to enable you to be part of Storm Sewer Pollution Operation Identification. Contact our Crime Prevention Officers for further _ r information. The City's Engineering Department advises Fridley residents, particularly its businesses to be especially careful Fridley's New Superintendent with any pollutants that may be Fridley Firemen's washed into our storm sewer system. of Public Works We have over thirty (30) outlets from this system into the Mississippi River 23rd Annual Dance Mr.Ralph Volkman is our new Super- and could easily add to the River's intendent of Public Works. Mr. Volk- already difficult pollution problem if The Fridley Firemen's Relief Associ- man was appointed to this position on we are not more careful. ation is having its 23rd Annual Fire- August 15, 1973. He replaces Mr. Les- men's Dance beginning at 8:00 p.m., ter Chesney who retired August 10, Friday, October 19th, at the Bel-Rae 1973 after 17 years with the City. Animal Control Ordinance Ballroom. Tickets may be purchased Ralph has been with the City Parks from any of the City's firefighters at Our Animal Control Ordinance has $1.00 each or $2.00 at the door. Old- been changed to include cats as a time and modern music will be pro- 51years. Prior to that time he spent nuisance. Licenses will not be required vided by the Tony Jambor Orchestra. 71/2 years working for the City of Co- for cats, but owners are going to be This year first prize is a trip for lumbia Heights in its Parks Depart- held responsible for the actions of two to Las Vegas plus $100.00 in ex- ment. Ralph resides with his wife their cats. All dogs or cats not con- pense money. For reservations call Betty Lou and their 8 children at 525 fined within an inclosure such as a 786-4630. Mill Street, Columbia Heights. yard or fence should be on a leash securely fastened or held so as not COMPUTERIZED WATER BILLS (Continued from page 1) to run at large. The reason for the animal control law is quite simple: If a Fridley employee needs information from the system, for example, To protect residents from disease or the data and amount paid at the last time a customer made a water bill payment, vicious animals and to insure that an account clerk simply types in the account number and the request on the dogs or cats don't become neighbor terminal and the computer types the information out on the Fridley terminal immediately. The system is designed to provide security, or "privacy" for hood pests by their actions. All dogs Fridley files in several ways. First, only "public" information can be stored on over the age of 6 months must have a the computer. The system does not provide for storage of personal information. license, which is $5 a year, and must Second, Fridley files in the computer can be reached only by people authorized be renewed by April 30 of each year. by Fridley. Third, to use the system, a complex series of codes must be learned A license is required whether the dog by the user. is confined to the owner's premises The system is expected to be fully operational for Fridley by the end of or not. The City's animal control this year. Improvements will be added and a purchase decision will be made service is B&E Patrol, and their tele- by LOGIS next year. If plans work out as projected, ten cities will be using phone number is 633-6533. the system by 1975. d . R ee t 4 4. - S ,00 r 7 77 7777; Locke Park Bridge—This summer a new bridge was constructed over Rice Creek in Locke Park just north of Monroe Street and Rice Creek Terrace. The bridge was fabricated by Wheeler Bridge Company and was shipped dismantled to the City's Park Department for location and assembly. The bridge is a 50 foot cambered type consisting of two 8 inch ed spans—with-five foot wi 2 by 6 decking. 'The-stairstw6-purposes: 1. To give the bridge sufficient height for boats and canoes to pass under unobstructed, and 2. To insure that the bridge is maintained as a foot bridge. Putting in the support columns, erecting the spans, decking and rails, and building the stairs was accomplished by the Park's Department in just five days. We invite you to come and see this new addition to your park facilities. TV Inspection Garbage Cans onHomeowners Closed circuit television cameras Boulevards Are Prohibited Winter is just about upon us, so seem to be located almost everywhere It is quite evident that many City we will be coming into the season of these days, and not always to every- snow and ice. We have some problem one's liking, but one very useful place residents are very helpful when it areas within our City concerning blind Fridley's Engineering Department has comes to the refuse pickup man. Nu- intersections. These intersections are found for CCTV is in the City's sewer merous people have made it a practice very dangerous. Snowplows cannot see system, seeking out damage before of placing their garbage cans curbside around these corners; and consequent- it becomes of major proportion. A TV on garbage pickup day. This practice ly, this could cause accidents with camera and a grouting machine are other vehicles and there is a possi- drawn or pushed through the sewers. is prohibited and customers should bility that children in the street might If a leak in the sewer is located by the leave their cans in their rear yard or be hit. TV camera, the operator in the control side yard if properly screened. Resi- The City Ordinance forbids any ob- van activates the grouting machine dent cooperation on this matter will structions on these corners, i.e.: which seals the hole, all without hav- be appreciated by the City staff and "On a corner lot in a vision safety ing to dig up the street or a residen- control zone, nothing shall be erected, tial lawn. Such systems are not only certainly by your neighbors. convenient, and efficient, but also saves placed, planted or allowed to grow in such a manner as to impede vision the City many dollars in maintenance between a height of two and on- costs. Fire Hydrants half and ten feet above the level of the curb nearest it. In the absence of a curb, the centerline rade of The City Water Department is ask- g Fridley City Band ing the cooperation of the homeowners the intersecting street shall be used in lieu of the curb line above the concerning the City fire hydrants on vision safety control zone described The Fridley City Band is comprised or near their properties. The Ordi- as follows: that area bounded by of amateur musicians from Fridley and nance reads that you cannot plant the street right of way lines of a many surrounding communities under shrubs or any other plantings around corner lot and a straight line joining the direction of Mr. David Olson. a hydrant that would prevent the points on said right of way lines, During the year the band performs for twenty-five feet from the intersec- community and civic events, PTA's, visual sight for fire use, and also for tions of said right of way lines. rest homes, hospitals, and ends the regular maintenance. Anything presently erected, placed, year with a series of outdoor concerts planted or allowed to grow in such in various FridleyWe are also reminding people now parks and the an- a manner as to impede vision in a nual Anoka County Library Book Fair. that winter is coming, that it is also vision safety zone, shall be consi- Any group or organization wishing to illegal to cover the hydrants with snow. dered non-conforming until June 1, have the Fridley Band play for them These hydrants are for the protection 1971; but shall be corrected by should contact the director, Mr. David of your families and properties. Please transplanting or removing from the Olson, at 786-2415. The Band also wel- help the City this winter by keeping vision safety zone before such date." comes any new members, young or If anyone has a question about this old. And again, for any further in- your hydrants shoveled clean; so that Ordinance, please call Darrel Clark, In- formation concerning the Band, please in case of a fire, the Fire Department spection Department, City Hall (560- call 786-2415. can find them. 3450). NOTICE S.A.C. CHARGES Owners of structures being served CHANGE IN SPECIAL ASSESSMENT by private sewer systems (cesspools) PAYMENT DATE must hook up to City sewer by Janu- ary 1, 1974 as required by the Metro- Due to a change in State Sta- politan Sewer Board. tutes, the last day to pay Special The City must collect a S.A.C. (sewer Assessments is now OCTOBER availability charge) charge on all sew- 15th, rather than Nov. 15th. For er permits. On permits for construc- further information, please call tion prior to January 1, 1974, the S.A.C. the Special Assessments Dept. charge is $137.50. After January 1, 560.3450 ext. 49 1974, the charge will be $300.00. A savings of over $160.00 will certainly help pay for the construction necessary for making the sewer hookup. HOME FIRE ESCAPE PLAN POINT 1: Always sleep with bedroom or hall door closed. HOW TO "OPEN" A DOOR: It can keep out fire long enough to allow escape through Brace shoulder against door. Keep head to one side. your emergency escape route (usually a window). Open door slightly . . . ready to slam it if any heat and smoke rush in. POINT 2: Agree on a way everyone can sound a family fire alarm. Keep in mind that fire may block hallway, preventing POINT 5: HAVE AN OUTSIDE MEETING PLACE . . . you from reaching other bedrooms. You can pound on walls, TO QUICKLY CHECK IF EVERYONE IS SAFE. ONCE holler, whistle, strike a pan, etc. OUT—STAY OUT! POINT 3: Don't waste time getting dressed or gathering POINT 6: Notify Fire Department quickly, as soon as valuables. Precious seconds can count in a fire! everyone is out. Home phone may be out of reach or wires burned. Plan to use a neighbor's phone (or street alarm POINT 4: Test doors before opening. Intense heat and box). Speak slowly, plainly. Say, "My name is . .. .. .. ... . deadly smoke may be on the other side . . . ready to strike I want to report a fire at . .. .. ........ ..... ... Then wait to you down in just a couple of breaths. answer questions. HOW TO "TEST" A DOOR: REMEMBER, in a desperate night fire emergency, your Are door panels hot? Is smoke leaking in around edges? family will NOT get a second chance. Everyone must act If you suspect fire on other side, DON'T OPEN THE DOOR. quickly, correctly . . . and AUTOMATICALLY. They will if But, if you think it's safe—open it cautiously. you give them that chance. It's your duty and responsibility. BE A CAREFUL FALL RgPORTe MOTORIST! GMTV OF FRifi LSV� F� FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55432 �,," 6431 UNIVERSITY AVENUE N.E. -` CITY COUNCIL Mayor Councilman at Large ..................: t: Councilman-1st Ward .,.,..... ....... .......' , � Councilman-2nd Ward ,W_R. ' f Councilman-3rd Ward .Wil tam 1 1 b CITY OF FRIDLEY SERVICE DIRECTORY ,,,aye,.;,`, Many youngsters walk to and from Administrative Offices-Civic Center .;..........560-3450 school . . . please drive slowly and Police (24 Hours-Non-Emergency) ...............560-3457 always be alert, observe all signs Office Hours; 8`a.m. to 5 p.m.`---Monday through Friday and speed limits. POLICE-FIRE EMERGENCIES ..560-1.500