1989-1990 Winter CITYOF FRIDLEYWinter Newsletter 1989/1990 / 90 No.65 1990: Planning For 1989: A Fridley The Future o one knows what the decade of the 90's will bring. One ReviewN thing is certain though,money for local governments will be tight and only cities that plan carefully will have opping this year's list of notable happenings in Fridley is sufficient funds available to provide services which willmake them a leading force in the next century. a birthday. Yes,Fridley as a city turned 40 years old in 1989• City Management It has been a while since each department's activities and Strategic planning and coordination of all departments will programs were highlighted in the newsletter, and what better be the theme in the 90's. Because recent laws increased time than now? We are closing out the 80's and starting the pressure on property tax use, and the State decreased their decade of the 90's. assistance,managing an efficient government is more impor- tant than ever. The demographics of the city are changing,and The following services and programs provided in 1989 did they must be considered in all planning. not suddenly appear;they evolved since Fridley was incorpo- rated in 1949 when less than 4,000 people lived here. Though Recreation and Natural Resources the departments are listed separately, they work hand-in-hand Redevelopment of the park system will be a priority for the to provide the services that you use. Fridley is a first ring suburb coming years. The park system took off in the 60's when with apopulation of 29,336 and an employment force of 20,000. families started moving into the area, and now much of the Public Works equipment and facilities are starting to show their age and need replacing. Development of Riverview Heights Park will con- Fridley has 125 miles of city streets, 105 miles of sanitary tinue, and the entire bike/walking system in Fridley will be sewer,17 sewer lift stations,112 miles of water main,13 wells, evaluated,and a plan ensuring that it fits into the metropolitan two filter plants, and 39 parks. All of these systems are system will be developed. engineered and maintained by the Public Works Department. Springbrook Nature Center will likely coordinate more with Since 1980, six miles of streets and Community Park were the area schools for energy and environmental education. Health constructed. During the last two years the Commons Park fil- and fitness programs for youth that complement the school's ter system was totally rebuilt incorporating a manganese filter, and extensive improvements were made to Springbrook Na- See 1990, page 5 tore Center. This year the eight year project to refurbish and sealcoat virtually all Fridley streets was com- p 1 e t e d . The Fridley Municipal Center survived its first blizzard and is now Northco Drive was built to open up the in- du stri al fully completed as this composite photo shows. An open house on park south of 73rd Avenue,Univer- s i t y October 14 drew a crowd of about 400 people. Renovation and an Avenue Service Road was addition were needed to efficiently provide the services a that are required by a city of nearly 30,000. If See 1; $9, page 4 anyone missed the open house would like a n tour,call the Public Information Office at bra 572-3505. There are still a few balloons for the kids. E is mb�d mm E s a m. e �e 69 PAGE 2 CITY OF FRIDLEY WINTER 1989/1990 No Snow "Toys For Birds Wanted . Joy)) he City does not want to tag and tow cars illegally parked during L , winter snow removal,but itis the For the third year"Toys For Soy"will only way to maintain properly distribute toys,food,:clothing, and©then plowed thoroughfares. To enable traffic new items to needy families: All dona- tions stay in Anoka county. This year's and emergency vehicles to drive safely, goal is 4,000 items to help make less Crime streets must be plowed to full width. fortunate children happy. Parents choose A city ordinance specifies that for 24 presents and then take them home to Prevention hours a day from November 1 st to May 1st wrap for their children . vehicles must not impede the plowing or removal of snow or ice. Take unwrapped items t the Fridley For C h r i st m a s Chamber of Commerce,Suite 102, ti the - Snow plowing and sanding begins when Fridley Office Plaza Building next to the driving conditions become poor,or at the Fridley City Offices. Or call the office at s Christmas draws near, pres- end of a snow storm. Even if plowing 571-9781 for ideas or other locations. ents collect under the tree and begins in the wee hours of the morning, Donations must be dropped off by Decem- Aeveryone looks anxiously at residents are still responsible for removing ber 18. them. Everyone including bur- parked vehicles from city streets. No snow glars. Last year Fridley had 29 burglaries emergency has to be declared to put this during the Christmas Season (December ordinance into effect. 1, 1988 to January 15, 1989). What could be more upsetting than coming home from ice skating or grandma's Snow Codes Explained house to find your Christmas gifts gone-- along with other items from your home? hen the snow starts falling by rocks or ice chunks thrown by the Taking precautions to prevent a bur- anyone who removes snow plows. glar from entering is very important. If should follow certain laws burglars wantto get in,they will.Burglars, and riles of thumb. Snow forts or tunnels should never be however,are lazy and usually pick homes If you have a city installed sidewalk in built near the road. It is nearly impossible which are easy to enter. Have good doors front of your house, you must, according for plow operators to see them and chil- and locks and use them all the time,even to an ordinance,keep it clear of snow and dren could easily be hurt or killed. when you are home. Keep lights and a radio on to make it appear someone is ice. When shoveling,please keep in mind According to postal regulations mail- home. If you leave for a long period of that it is illegal to shovel, plow, or blow boxes should be 48 inches from the bottom time, have someone pick o your mail, snow onto Fridley streets from driveways, of the box to street level. This ensures shovel the walk,and make periodic house sidewalks,or parking lots. enough room for snow to be piled and still checks. The Police Department will check allow your mail to be delivered after the homes while people are on vacation,just To make snow removal easier resi- plow goes by. p p � dents should place the snow on the right call the office at 572-3629. side of the driveway as they are facing the Following these common sense rules If you see or hear something suspi- street. This prevents the snow from being will make your winter safer and happier. cious, don't hesitate, call 911 immedi- thrown back into the driveway when the ately. You are the eyes and ears for the plow comes by. It also enables the plow police because they can't be at everyone's and other oncoming vehicles to see you door 24 hours a day. when pulling out of the driveway. Watching out for each other is what Children should be kept from playing our Neighborhood Crime Watch Program near plows when they go by. Kids are difficult to see and might be buried or hit is all about. Taking a few safety precau- tions and being alert will help you have a safe enjoyable Holiday Season. WINTER 1989/1990 CITY OF FRIDLEY PAGE 3 Gargage, Recycling, Yard of recyclables, and competition among Waste -- Lots of haulers. Negatives - multiple collection Questions, Few Answers days, residents have no choice of hauler, hauler responsiveness to complaints may be inadequate. Billing is done by the community. By Dennis Schneider, 3. Each garbage hauler is also re- Councilmember Ward 11 quired to provide recycling services,but homeowners contract individually with the t used to be so simple.We'd put our garbage,bottles and cans,grass clip- hauler. Benefits - same day recycle col- lection, minimum government involve- to get rid of into our trusty garbage pings,and whatever else we wanted � ment,competition among haulers. Nega- tives - small haulers may be unable to � can, we'd place it outside of the market the recyclables, no government garage and its contents would magically control of rates. Billing is done by the disappear each week. hauler. But then we heard about ground water There are other issues and ideas as well. contamination,we discovered throw-away -Metro counties recycle 35%of their _ Minneapolis and St. Paul recently diapers,and.. .well life got complicated! solid waste by December 31, 1993. passed a law that prohibited non-reecentl- Theissuesarecomplex,certainly more - Cities over 5000 population pro- cyclable packaging in those cities. than can be addressed here. The purpose vide curbside pickup of recyclables The Legislature has, however, pre- of this article is to summarize some of the by October 1, 1990. vented local government from pass- issues and to solicit your input and opin- -The 6%sales tax will be extended to ing such laws until June 30, 1990. ions. solid waste collection and disposal, - Many states require deposits on The reality is that each of us,on aver- effective January 1, 1990. bottles and cans, but similar legisla- age, produce 927 pounds of solid waste -Yard waste(leaves,grass clippings) tion in Minnesota has always faced is prohibited from landfills effective intense lobbying against its passage each year. And we've never addressed the p by special interest groups. problem of how to get rid of it safely,nor January 1, 1990. -Costs for disposal of all goods could the costs associated with its disposal. We Presently, each Fridley resident con- be assessed at the time of manufac- can no longer ignore the problem--it's tracts for their own garbage hauling,while tureorsale. time for some hard,perhaps even painful the city contracts for the recycling center - Mandate that disposal costs of all decisions. and curbside recycling program. For gar- goods be displayed at the point of Fridley's been a leader in recycling. bage hauling, this ensures competition sale so that consumers to can make But we're in catch-22;the more successful among haulers,and keeps garbage hauling an informed environmental choice. we are at recycling the more money it costs a private for profit business,with no gov- What do you think? How should we, the city. Presently, we're spending $100 eminent involvement. the City of Fridley,deal with this complex per ton for curbside recycling. The state Some communities use a different issue? How should we fund it? My feel- and county have mandated that we in- ings are that we should minimize govem- system to collect garbage and recyclables meat involvement, and ensure that the crease our tonnage recycled from 323 tons than ours. The most common methods in 1987 to 1656 tons in 1992. But funds are: system is competitive--but maybe that's from the state and county may not be there. just not possible anymore. I want your It is doubtful that the entire cost can be 1.The community does the garbage input. Please send me a letter or give me supported by general fund revenue; we and recycling pick-up themselves, pro- a call. My phone number at home is 571- may have to add a recycling fee to the viding equipment and crew, and finding '7059;address letters tome at 6431 Univer- markets for the recyclables. Benefits - utility bill. y sity Avenue N.E.,Fridley,MN 55432. same day recycle collection,easy tracking Landfill costs are rising dramatically. of tonnage and recyclables,and direct city In Anoka county, the cost per ton for control. Negatives-cost to the city,lack landfill disposal was $16.50 per ton in of competition,total government involve- _ 1985. Since June of this year,by law,all ment,and potential inability to find mar- of our garbage must go to the Elk River kets for recyclables. Billing is done by the NSP plant where incineration costs $67 community. per ton. 2. The community contracts for Government at the state and county garbage and recycling services. Either level is becoming more involved in gar- one contractor handles the entire city, or bage and recycling by imposing these recent the city is zoned.Benefits-easy tracking mandates. PAG E 4 CITY OF FRIDLEY WINTER 1989/1990 The Senior Center received the new Lake Commons-Phase II, a $12 million Senior Lift, a bus with a wheelchair lift commercial complex, the $100,000 im- extended at 83rd, and sections of Com- that operates five days a week bringing provement to Advance Companies, and merce Lane, 83rd Avenue,and 51st Way seniors to the center and other program the Fridley Plaza Parking Ramp which were rebuilt. The water system was refur- locations in Fridley. It was donated by the serves all businesses in the Fridley's Cen- bished as three wells were rebuilt and a Fridley Lions and a federal grant. ter City area. Nearly completed this year three million gallon and a 1.5 million Adventures in Dining, a program that is the$2.5 million Hillwind Office Build- gallon water reservoir were repaired. takes 40 to 50 seniors a month to different ing in the northeast quadrant of I-694 and restaurants,began this year. Highway 65, and a Target warehouse Recreation and Natural expansion. Recycling continued to grow Resources Police as 656 tons of refuse were kept from the Besides providing the usual recreation A full time person was hired to coordi- landfills. To plan for the future,a study of programs,the Recreation Department ini- nate the Neighborhood Crime Watch pro- senior citizen needs and demographics was tiated unique programs and obtained needed gram. To further revitalize the program completed. From January to October, equipment in 1989. neighborhood crime watch signs were 1,426 building, heating, plumbing, and erected as areas became organized. An electric.:? permits were issued, 2,471 in- The semi-trailer-sized mobile stage or Investigator was added to work specifi- spections relating to snowmobile was unveiled at the'49er Days cally with juveniles and to identify their those permits were problems before they become serious. A made,and 300 code en " " change in policy turned many investiga- forcemeat complaints tions that were previously done by the were handled. ." ' Anoka County Sheriff over to the Fridley ; department. Now almost all crimes com- Finance mitted in Fridley are handled by the Fri- To make paying dley Police Department. The burglary rate utility bills easier,a 24- ` wilt for the last three years is the lowest we hour drive-thou drop box have had in twelve years. was installed on the F � upper level of the Plaza Community Development Parking ramp. This can � In 1989 a variety of developments were also be used for score aided by the Community Development sheets and recreation Department. Among them were Moore registration. celebration this summer where bands and A major step in the records manage- concerts were staged. A new puppet wagon �� b ` ment program was completed in 1989 when i was donated by the Fridley Jaycee's to the the central file system was installed. This delight of hundreds of youngsters. The system has been in the works Minnesota Twins came back this summer ' since 1987 and will greatly and put on an excellent clinic for over 700 ® _ improve filing efficiency boys and girls. Staff trained over 60 youth The system has 11 mobile coaches in the National Youth Sports filing units that hold 11,000 Coaches Association certification program. linear filing inches, or Besides teaching the correct way to moti- the equivalent of 90, i vate and coach youngsters,completion of five drawer filing oar _ TERI the six hour program included a liability caGinets. This system makes insurance policy for the coach. much better use of high space, All third graders in the Fridley school and retrieval will be easy be- cause files will be cataloged system learned about energy and recycling09 on a computer. Since it is hl" Is during their two trips to the Springbrook in a central location,many e aE Nature Center. Also at the nature center, departments will share it, -- 7,000 trees were replanted in the final eliminating hundreds of stage of restoration from the 1986 tornado. duplicate files.To round Without the thousands of hours volun- 991 housholds dropped off 4,692 out the year,the Finance rV, ,R, , teered each year,the center would not be tiresthatfilled5semi-trailersatOe- Department received the able to stay open 12 hours a day,every day tober 28th tire recycle day spon- Distinguished Budget of the week.Thank you for the hard work! sored by Fridley Lions,VFW, and Presentation Award for City Council. the 1989 budget. Continued on next page WINTER 1989/1990 CITY OF FRIDLEY PAGE 5 1990, from page 1 Police Fire An important addition in the Police Fridle s second satellite fire station programs will also be stressed. Low cost Fridley family programs similar to the Halloween Department will be the installation of an was designed and built in 1989 at the indoor firing range in 1990 in a portion of intersection of East River Road and 77th program that draws 1,500 people will he their underground garage. The indoor Way. will reduce the time it takes for introduced. Programs coordinating the y needs of single parents and day care pro- range is needed to ensure that all officers fire fighters to respond to calls in the are trained in various situations that might northwest section of Fridley. The Fridleyeiders will have to be addressed. Auto- mated registration will begin soon, ena- arise during patrol. VFW donated money for a remote control fire hydrant robot to expand the fire pre- bling staff to serve the public more effi- Problem traffic accident areas will be vention education program and the haz- ciently. identified and a strategy to improve them ardous incident management program. will be designed. Hi-tech law enforce- Finance ment applications are expected to surface City Management A new computer which will benefit the in the 90's including accident reconstruc- The City Manager's Department in- entire city will be installed in the early tion and sophisticated undercover opera- cludes communication, personnel, cable 90's. It will economize the Finance De- tions. Next year a drug prevention pro- TV, and overall city partment by reducing paper usage and by gram called D.A.R.E. will be introduced administration. One being less labor intensive. Personnel will in area elementary school. of the challenges for now have time to better analyze expendi- 1989 was to comply tures and project revenues. The new Public Works with numerous train- computer will tie in with the Anoka County Now that the street refurbishing proj- ing and hiring man- computer as required to keep current with ect is completed and local roads are in dates passed by the changes in assessing and tax law. Actions good shape, the sealcoat program will be legislature. Strategic such as these will help keep utility rates accelerated in the 90's to minimize costly planning was empha- and taxes stable, and ensure the fiscal street replacement in the city. An addi- sized to coordinate all health of the city. Budget management tional one million gallon elevated water city departments to will be improved tremendously as depart- tank will be constructed soon. This is begin the planning ments will he able to review all aspects of needed to ensure that sufficient water is ® process needed in the their budgets on a monthly basis. It will available in case a major fire occurs. The next decade and be- also help with liquor store management reservoir will likely be built near the NSP yond. Voters approved and inventory control. facility on Highway 65 and 71st Avenue. a charter amendment A comprehensive plan to deal with storm which will gradually Community Development water quantity and quality will be devel- phase in four year terms for Councilmem- Since most land in Fridley is already oped, and several sanitary sewer lift sta- bers and Mayor to eliminate off-year elec- developed,redevelopment will be a prior- tions will be rebuilt to maintain their effi- tions. The Council supported environ- ity for the 90's. To determine which areas ciency. Also in the 90's,a Geographical mental packaging and encouraged the leg- would benefit from redevelopment,at risk Information System(GIS)will be installed islature to reform property taxes. properties will be inventoried using life which maps and identifies sewer, water, cycles, history of the area, and nearby gas,telephone,cable,and electricity lines, I!, 0111 e To participate in the deci- natural resources as criteria. Threats to including easements on all parcels of land 8, sion makingprocess, volun- p Fridley's natural resources will also be in Fridley. teer fora commission,come inventoried in an attempt to diminish their to the City Council meet- impact. Fire ings or watch them The last satellite fire station is com- '� live on Channel A program of systematic code enforce- pleted, now the major goal for the early 31,and watch Call ment will ensure that basic code violations 90's is to obtain an additional fire truck. on the Council a do not continue for years,causing property After that is realized,the Fire Department live call in show values to decline. Computerization of permits and other agreements will bel will attempt to get the city's fire rating shown each Tues- g p ensure compliance. changed to class 3. Currently, Fridley is day after a conn- p � . rated class 4,the same as Minneapolis. If �c�� aa�ab�pa cil meeting. the rating change is granted, it will not Commission meetings are also open to the reduce insurance rates for residents be- public. Come and see how the decisions are cause they are already the lowest possible. made. It will,however,reduce premiums charged to businesses. It is a small change but it is Identification signs were placed in all 35 one more advantage that Fridley has over Fridley neighborhoods this summer- surrounding communities when it comes to attracting quality companies. PAGE 6 CITY OF FRIDLEY WINTER 1989/1990 City Calendar - Winter 89/90 Briefly . . . Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday from the City Council 1 Recycle 2 Area 1-North of Miss.St. COMMISSIONS COMBINED �;; 3 4 CC 5 6 7 8 Recycle 9 The Environmental Quality and Area 2-SouthEnergy commissions were officially PR PL HR of miss.St. combined by approving an ordinance 10 ii 12 13 14 15 Recycle 16 on November 13. The two commis- '4 ommis- A HRA Area 1-Hort sions have been meeting together of Miss.St. for the last year. The newly com- 17 18 19 20 21 22 Recycle 23 y bined commission is open to the CC EQE PL CTV Area 2-South public and usually meets the third of Miss.St. Tuesday of each month.Call before 24 26 27 28 29 30 attending as holidays sometimes �rrts' change the date. 31 ACCW RECEIVES FUNDS 7777 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Anoka County Community Workshop or Cable Channel 33 received$34,000 1 23 4 5 Recycle 6 from the City of Fridley. The money lwtir'S Area 1-North HR is part of the cable fees collected of Miss.sc. from NORTEL Cable Company to 7 8 CC 9 10 11 12 Recycle 13 encourage public access to the cable Area 2-Southnetwork. ACCW provides instruc- PRA HRA of Miss.St. tion for video recording and editing, 14viarttti,= 16 17 18 19 Recycle 20 and provides the equipment once j, th Area 1-Nort ingCTV of Miss.sc. the classes are completed. 21 22 23EQE 24 25 26 Recycle 27 Area 2-South POLICE RANGE CC A of Miss.St. 28 29 30 31 Also at the November 13 meeting PL the Council authorized that an in ...........,......... door firing range be built in a portion of the police underground garage. 77777 The system will be fully computer- Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday ized and day and night simulations 1 2 Recycle 3 can be created. The range is needed Area 1 north to ensure all officers are fully trained �y HR of Miss.St. in the situations that can occur 4 5 CC 6 7 8 9 Recycle 10 during patrol. Area 2-South t: PR A HRA of Miss.St. 11 12 13 14 valentines 15 16 Recycle 17 Calendar Code Day Area 1-Nort A -Appeals Commission PL of Miss.St. � CC -City Council � 18 20 A 21 22 23 Recycle 24 " 1 eat 10 Area 2-South CH -Charter Commission Htslry EQE of Miss.St. CTV-Cable TV Commission 25 26 27 28 Ash Wednesday EQE-Environmental Quality&Energy CC PL HR -Human Resources Commission The HRA and the Cable TV Commission meet at 7:00 p.m. HRA -Housing Redevelopment Authority The Charter Commission schedule was not approved in time for the newsletter. The City Council and all other Commissions meet in the PL -Planning Commission Municipal Center and begun at 7:30 p.m. PR -Parks& Recreation Commission WINTER 1989/1990 CITY OF FRIDLEY PAGE 7 uau � I�iid�'Vi Assessor's Corner A by Leon Madsen Nancy Jorgenson Homeowners planning extended vacations encom- won the Council- passing any part of December through January 30 should member-At-Large verify their homestead status before leaving, please seat by a 1,255 to come to the Fridley Assessor's office in the Municipal ..,;: Center 6432 University Avenue NE..or call 572-3536 to 1,037 margin. This avoid needless delays and confusion. is her second term in office. 1-694 Update 190 Property Tax Insights idening of I-694 is finally com- pleted where it goes through Fridley. During what seemed Dwring the September special ses- from the sales tax,excise taxes,and other Wlike an eternity, with back- sion the Minnesota State Legisla- state taxes and fees. The new law reduces ups, slowdowns, and lane closures it was ture made further changes in the the reliance of school districts on the prop- actually finished a year ahead of schedule. already confusing 1988 tax law. erty tax and increases reliance on state While the new tax law avoids a projected aids. Just the opposite is true for cities. Inconveniences caused by the project 14%increase in residential property taxes Fridley, for example, will receive about should not return until spring of 1990 and reduces the number of tax categories, $800,000 less in Local Government Aid when the section from Long Lake Road to it continues to be one of the most compli- from the State than it anticipated under the just past 1-35W is widened. Over the cated tax laws in the nation. provisions of the 1988 law. This means winter the Long Lake Road Bridge will be that a greater share of the property tax will rebuilt but no traffic slowdowns are antici- r b the point of view of the property go to the city and a lesser share to the pated. When the entire project is com- ownebasically four things cause an in- school district. pleted in the fall of 1990,the system will crease in taxes: 1)an increase in the value be back to normal. Call the I-694 Hotline of the property (market value); 2) an in- Add the impact of fiscal disparities,tax for more information,593-8484. crease in the taxing formula(tax capacity base equalization aid,homestead and agri- - formerly assessed value); 3) a relative cultural credit aid, homestead targeting increase in the dollar amount required by credit, business and rental relief, and tax the school district, county, city, or other increment financing,and the whole thing taxing jurisdiction (levy); and 4) a de- becomes almost impossibly complex. crease in the amount of tax credit allowed '° by the State (homestead and agricultural The easiest way for the home owner or credit aid-formerly homestead credit). business owner to evaluate the impact of the new tax law is to examine next year's The intent of the September 1989 tax tax statement carefully. The main point of law seems to be to limit increases on comparison will be the net tax payable in residential property to increased market 1990 with the net tax paid in 1989. The value, while keeping the impact of the main question will be: Did the net tax other factors more or less in balance.Thus, increase more than the increase in the on the average,the increase in the net tax market value of the property? The in- on a particular piece of property should not crease or decrease of the share of the tax .r gid; be much more than the relative increase in going to the School District, the County, the market value of that property. How- the City,or any other taxing jurisdiction is ever, the share of tax that goes to any more or less irrelevant because of the Mayor Nee making a statement particular taxing jurisdiction will definitely shifting of the state aids. at the reopening Of 1-694 Cero- change due to changes in the distribution of state aids. As always,the test of the new tax law mOny. Bill Nee was elected t0 his will be the bottom line,and that remains to seventh term as Mayor On State aids are distributions of revenue be seen. November 7. PAG E 8 CITY OF FRIDLEY WINTER 1989/1990 Mediation Services Winter 1 Ire f the Hatfields and the McCoys had A typical mediation session lasts only used Mediation Services an interest- an hour to an hour and a half. It is con- Tips on- TIps ing bit of folklore would have been ducted at the convenience of both parties, lost. But, on the other hand, they at a neutral location,in the morning,after - *Keep matches,lighters,and candles out wouldn't have been shooting at each other noon, evening or on Saturday. Highly of the reach of children. either and would have lived happily ever trained volunteers conduct the mediation *Make an emergency plan to use if a fire after. sessions,so there is no cost to the partici- breaks out anywhere in the home. See that Mediation services for Anoka County pants. After a short time, both parties each family member knows what to do. is a non-profit organization that began in usually agree upon how to solve the dis- PRACTICE THE PLAN! March of 1987 pute. They write their ideas in their own . It is a free service avail- words and then each signs the document. *Cutoff about two inches from Christmas able to anyone who lives or works in tree trunks to expose fresh wood for better Anoka County. Mediation Services will Call Ann Wallerstedt at 755-5300 if water absorption. mediate civil disputes between neighbors, you want to be a volunteer, or want a *Avoid wearing loose flowing clothes-- businesses and consumers, landlords and problem mediated, or if you or your or- particularly long,open sleeves--near flames- tenants,employees and employers,or citi- ganization want to make a tax deductible -such as those of a fireplace, stove, or zens and agencies. Mediation Services, donation. candlelit table. however, cannot handle criminal cases, F M TV 31 *Never burn candles near evergreens. divorces,custody,or cases involving any type of abuse. Burning evergreens in the fireplace can also be hazardous. When dry,greens burn like tinder. Flames can flare out of con- Fridley Government Cable Channel 31 trol,and send sparks flying into a room,or has a regular program schedule. A com- up the chimney to ignite creosote deposits. Housing SubSidy munity bulletin board is also part of the *Never place space heaters on furniture, service provided to Fridley residents. Your Sign Up public service message can be played at no only use on the floor. cost to you or your organization. *Plan for safety. Remember,there is no Applications for rent subsidy provided To get your weekly schedule or have a substitute for common sense. Look for through Section 8 Housing administered message played,call 572-3501. and eliminate potential danger spots near by the Metropolitan Housing and Rede- candles,fireplaces,trees,and/or electrical velopment Authority will be taken Janu- connections. ary 18,1990. Fridley residents should call Pat Wolfe at the Fridley city offices for the location and income guidelines. 1989/1990 City ti Fridley CAR-RT-SORT Winter Newsletter CITY OF FRIDLEY BULK RATE 6431 University Avenin NE, U.S.POSTAGE Fridley, MN 55432 PAID Mayor ....... ....William J.Nee Minnneapolis,MN Councilnneml er at-large ......... Nancy Jorgenson 571-3450 Permit No.2886 Councihnember 1st Ward....... . Steven Billings Councilmember2nd Ward...... Dennis Schneider Councilhnember 3rd Ward. Edward Fitzpatrick City Manager' ..... ................................William W.Burgs Editor ........... ...............Jim Froehle' CITY OF FRIDLEY SERVICE_DIRECTORY POSTAL CUSTOMER Administrative Offices/Municipal Center.........571-3450 Office hours: '8 am.to 5 pm. Monday-Friday. 24 Hour Recreation Hotline.. .571-9397 Polio(24 Hours-Non-Emergency) ..572-3629 FIRE"AND POLICE EMERGENCY ........'.,.. 911 vm