1995 Spring C11Y OF FIR1 DLEY Spring Newsletter 1995 No. 86 WHAT MAKES A COMMUNITY STRONG? hat values are essential to building a strong commu- CLEAN-UP SPRUCE-UP Wnity?How can each resident be made to feel important so that neighborhoods and the people in them prosper? PAINT-UP VOLUNTEERS & For the past year and a half people from Fridley, Columbia Heights, and Hilltop have been evaluating what makes people good. After numerous planning meetings and two town meetings, NAND NEEDED each attended by over 200 people,7 priorities or values for building a strong community ridley Cleanup week is being planned for Septem- were selected. They are: ber by a Citizen Advisory Committee. Though Responsibility/accountability Clean-up Weekactivities still have to be finalized, its focus will be on residential waste removal. 4- Integrity/honesty, Also being considered is a Paint-a-thon. Elderly or Caring/compassion&kindness, disabled residents who want to take advantage of this Selfcontrol/self discipline should call the Paint-a-thon offices at 870-3660 Respect for one's self and others program extension 103. An application including household Non-Violence/conflict resolution income must be completed before April 17. Citizenship _ Now it is time to practice the seven values Clean-up Week is looking for a name and logo with listed above. Dozens of residents have divided into nine subcom- $50 going to the winning suggestion. Send ideas to the mitteestofindways toimplement those values ineveryday life.But City of Fridley,6431 University Avenue. Or,call Lonni more volunteers are needed. Do you want to volunteer? Do you McCauley at 754-3975 with your Clean-up Weekname, spruce-up idea, or to volunteer for Fridley Clean-up have a vision of what will help your community? Contact any or all of the people listed with their subcommittee. Week. Deadline for naming contest is March 14" see Values page 2 Y, Nine Paid On-Call-Firefighters, were hired this January to replace firefighters who retired over the last five years. All of the recruits are from Fridley and live within three minutes of at E least one of the three Fridley fire stations. Front row from the left, Pete Meyers, Scott Allard, Steve Johnson, James Tschida, top row, John Wozniak, Jamey Ahlgrim, Mark Blake, Todd '" Messer, Merle Fischer. Each of these firefighters received 200 hours of fire, medical, and hazardous materials training and passed the State Examination Board. t They will receive another 110 hours of medical training to become � sic ,a Emergency Medical Responders. 1 s Fridley's great fire protection rating is based on the quality of the firefighters and our water distribution system. 2 CITY OF FRIDLEY SPRING 1995 ASSESSORS CORNER Values, from page 1 by Leon Madsen The effort to develop healthy communities is sponsored by the Southern Anoka County Community Consortium Fridley Housing Slues Facts (SACCC). For more information about SACCC, contact The following comparison is for homes sold in Fridley in 1994. Tim Yantos at 323-5692 or any ofthe committee members 1993 1994 listed below. Number of homes sold 221 217 SACCC Vision Team to implement Average price of homes sold $92,134 $95,851 Assessor's average estimated market community values: value(EMV)on homes sold $83,663 $86,684 Business- Ron Cadwell, Sports Spree; Bruce Magnuson, Columbia Heights. Ratio of assessor's EMV to prices 90.81% 90.44% Health care- Ann Bolkcom, Fridley Councilmember; Craig STATISTICS OF AVERAGE HOME SOLD Malm, Dir.Community&Social Services Mercy Hospital. square feet of area 1,102 1,082 Schools-Ann Stevenson, Fridley; Linda Larson, Columbia Heights. year built 1963 1962 e size 2 car 2 car Youth Organizations- Kevin Thomas, Fridley Youth Out- garage reach Worker; Debi Campobasso, Fridley Recreation style Rambler Rambler Specialist. %with basement finishing 81% 77% Senior Organizations- Janet Gillespie Columbia Heights; %with at least 1 extra bath 71% 70% Connie Thompson, Fridley Senior Citizen Program Coor- %with central air 67% 63% dinator; Tom Myra, Fridley. %with at least 1 fireplace 46% 42% Community Organizations- Barbara Dacy, Dir. of Fridley %with a deck 43% 35% Community Dev; Russ Paulson, Columbia Heights. The annual physical review of Fridley taxable property will City/County Services-Jack Kirk, Dir.of Fridley Recreation; be conducted on properties generally lying south of57th Avenue. David Sallman, Fridley Public Safety Director;Bob Guzy, The reviews will begin approximately April 15 and continue until Columbia Heights. complete sometime in December. Fridley appraisal personnel Neighborhoods-Dennis Johnson,Fridley;Jeff Hagen,Frid- carry photo I.D. For the safety of your family and property, ley; Don & Michelle Murzyn, Columbia Heights. please ask to see I.D. of any strangers entering your home. Churches-Bob Brenden, Fridley; Mona Glesne Coon Rap- ids. A youth committee,with youth serving on it is also being set UP. SAFETY CAMP OFFERED Members of the Fridley Police, Fire, and Rec- FAX CRIME ALERT reation and Natural Resources Departments Fridley are designing a program for kids to have fun while NETWORK STARTED Crime learning. The main goal of Safety Camp is to help reduce the number of accidents and injuries among nyone with a FAX machine at home or Alert our young children while giving them skills to cope Awork can now receive Fridley Police with emergency situations. Crime Alerts. In December, Fridley and === Children will be taught safety in the areas ofwater, New Brighton joined 13 other metro area law fire,drugs,strangers,safety belts,railroads,animals, enforcement agencies to test ifFAXtechnol- electricity,bicycles,first aid,burns,and more. ogy can help prevent and solve crimes. Ifthe The camp will be held-rain or shine-at Commons Pilot project is successful,it will go state wide in 1996. Park in Fridley on June 27-28 for 100-150 eight and For Fridley residents,it means Crime Alerts and crime prevention tips can nine year old children. be sent out more quickly,cheaply,and frequently. In the past,labels had to be For more information, contact Liz Chevalier printed, alerts copied,and envelopes stuffed. Now hundreds of alerts can be or Julie Swanson at Fridley FAXed as soon as critical information can be typed. Specific categories of Police Department, o ® people such as landlords, pharmacists, Block Captains, or retailers can be 572-3626. Registration FAXed information either from network headquarters or from the Fridley Police applications will be in the Department. So far 36 people are on the Fridley portion of the Network. Recreation Brochure which 3'g E The Minnesota Crime Alert Network is coordinated by the Minnesota will arrive in May. Department ofPublic Safety. To get on the network or for more Information,call µ Rosie Griep,Fridley Crime Prevention Coordinator at 572-3638. SPRING 1995 CITY OF FRIDLEY 3 FRIDLEY LIQUOR STORES WHERE PROPERTY TAXES GO by Nancy J. Jorgenson, Councilmember-at-large The chart below shows where property taxes would go if all Fridley The Fridley municipal liquor system has been operational homes were averaged together. Out of every dollar collected, only since 1949. There have been many locations for the 12.6 cents will be used by the City. Essential services provided by on-sale and off-sale liquor stores over the last 45 years. Fridley include road maintenance and construction, police and fire On-sale liquor operations were discontinued in the late protection,parks and trails,recreation programs for adults, seniors, 1950's. and children, code enforcement,and many other every day services. Fridley has remained in the liquor operation for several Though the percentage collected in each school district is different,the reasons: First,revenues generated from the liquor stores dollar amount for City taxes on like valued homes is the same. Shown offset the general fund and decrease property taxes. The below is a graph of all Fridley homes averaged together. second factor is to control who buys the product.Keeping liquor out of the hands of minors is my major City of Fridley Other* Other-Mosquito consideration. 12.6% o Control,Hospital 4.2% District,Met Fridley is again in a period of change for municipal Council, transit, liquor. The Fridley Liquor Warehouse at 214 Mississippi Op and Watershed districts. Street will close early this summer due to construction on the new Southwest Quadrant housing development. The City Council must now decide whether to get out ofthe ! municipal liquor business or to lease/acquire a new liquor School Districts store location. The Fridley Liquor Annex on Highway 65 57.5% will remain open until a final decision is made by the City Council The Council gave staff preliminary approval to ex- plore all of our options and search for a new liquor store /r location based on past, current, and projected revenues Anoka County from the municipal liquor store operations. Profits gener- ated from the municipal liquor operations are usually 25.7% about$150,000 per year. Some of this money is used in the general fund to offset property taxes. The remainder ofthe funds that accumulated over the lifetime ofthe liquor MIDDLE SCHOOL operations are in the Fridley Liquor Enterprise Retained \\ Earnings Fund which at year-end 1994 had an unaudited PROGRAM STARTED balance of$1,569,765. Ifwe remain in the municipal liquor operations we willFive ur years ago the City started a coopera- need a building approximately the size of our liquor after school program for elementary warehouse. If an existing building cannot be utilized we aged students.Because that program was so success- will need to build a new store. The funds needed for a ful,R.A.P.was started as adrop in center for any Fridley middle school potential property acquisition and building would be aged child. Activities range from crafts, foos ball, open gym to financed through the liquor enterprise fund and/or a bond computers,and more. In its first month this January,50 kids signed issue. If a bond was issued the revenues from the liquor up. It's a great chance to socialize,instead of staying home alone. operations,not the City's general fund,would pay the debt R.A.P.is held at the Fridley Middle School Monday and Wednes- service. day 2:45 to 4pm and on Tuesday and Thursday 2:45 to 5:30pm. Cost As we begin our deliberations on this subject I would is$5 a month with no preregistration needed. Activity bus rides home like to ask for input from you the residents of Fridley. I are available. regret that we have had to change our home phone number The elementary school activities are held at Hayes, Stevenson, to an unlisted one due to one individual's ongoing harass- Woodcrest,North Park,and the Fridley Community Education Center ment directed at both me and my family. Your comments with cooperation from School Districts 13, 14,and 16. The activities are important to me and can be mailed to me or any other start when after class and end at 5pm.Aftercare is available for a dollar councilmember at city hall or messages can be left for me a day. at 572-3500. I will return your phone calls as soon as I can. For more information about R.A.P., the elementary after school Hopefully,by this summer,the City will have avoice mail activities, or income based scholarships, call the Fridley recreation system for staff and the City Council which will help office at 572-3570. improve citizen communications. 4 CITY OF FRIDLEY SPRING 1995 FRIDLEY YOUTH - HIGH INTEREST RATES? NOT HERE Thinking about making improvements to your home,orbuying ahome which OUR FUTURE needs improving,butthink you can't afford the financing?Well think again. The Fridley Housing and Redevelopment Authority(HRA)may be able to help by Ann Bolkcom,Councilmember Ward 3 meet your financing needs. Three exciting programs are available. Today's youth face many new challenges Home Improvement Loans and opportunities each day. Unfortunately some of these challenges combined with an The HRA and Fridley State Bank are offering 2%to 8%interest rate loans abundance of unstructured leisure time allow for home remodeling. Up to$15,000 can be borrowed for a maximum of 15 some children to get started on the wrong track years. The interest rate is based on the borrower's income, and monthly in life. To help today's youth turn into payments can be tailored to meet individual budgets. tomorrow's successful adults, Fridley is Loans can be used for most home remodeling or improvements such as roof initiating some diverse programs. repairs, replacing a furnace, adding a bedroom, or finishing a basement. To To help intervene with kids in jeopardy of qualify,household income cannot exceed$41,000 per year. using drugs or getting into trouble,the Police Home Mortgage Assistance Department hired Youth and Family Outreach This special program allows you to roll your mortgage and home fix-up costs Worker Kevin Thomas. He meets kids at into one loan at one interest rate: schools,parks,and other gathering places.Kevin and Debi Campobasso of the Recreation De- 1. Buy and remodel a home. partment have proposed an exciting program 2. Refinance and improve your home. called Project Safety Net. Though this program 3. Buy a rental home and become the owner-occupant. is in the planning stages, it is a goal for 1995. Additionally,you can get extra help with the down payment,closing costs, One component is a Curfew Center where and rehabilitation. This extra assistance is provided in the form of an interest- police officers take youth who violate curfew. free,deferred loan that doesn't have to be repaid until the home is sold. While waiting for their parents to pick them up, Program guidelines: -Have household income of$55,000 or less per year. the youth will be able to talk with an impartial -Purchase a home for less than$126,000. person using them as a sounding board. Staff -Plan to make minimum repairs of$5,000 or more. who are trained to work with diverse groups of Repair estimate and proof of income must be provided. youth will also evaluate the situation and facili- Home Improvement Grants tate county services to benefit the youth and.-,.w their families if any are needed. Grants up to $15,000 to low and moderate income A second component in Project Safety Net homeowners who need to fix-up their homes will be given this will provide positive recreation opportunities 9 summer. Applications will be taken early this summer, pre- for youth onweekend evenings between 9:30pm - screened,and prioritized by need. Grants will then be made to and 11:30pm. This activity center will use households meeting the income guidelines. volunteers and professionals to supervise,and Loan programs applicants must have good credit and meetnormal bank credit most importantly,mentor our youth. standards.For applications or additional information about any of these plans Another concept taking shape is the South- call Grant Fernelius at the City of Fridley,572-3591. ern Anoka County Community Consortium (SACCC) community values program. This '49ER BUTTON CONTEST initiative is comprised ofcitizens from Fridley, Columbia Heights,and Hilltop whose goal is to $Fridley 50 will be awarded to the Fridley resident or person employed in create and maintain positive values for the who designs the winning'49er Days button. Contest Rules: whole community. We need volunteers for the 1. Designs must reflect the Western theme of'49er Days,be submitted in youth committee. Ifyou are interested,whether black ink on white paper,and drawn inside a 6.5 inch circle. Use of the you are a youth or an adult,call me at 571-2026 Fridley logo is encouraged. The design must include the words: or anyone from SACCC. - Fridley '49er Days - June 15- 18, 1995 By investing time and positive energy we 2. Include name,age,address,and phone number on a separate sheet.Label can make youth an important part of our future. the envelope'49er Button Contest".Drop off or mail to: For more informatioI,///- Q_ti '49er Days Button Contest Entries must be submitted by about SACCC see WhFridley Municipal Center Monday,March 13,1995. No com- MakesA CommunityStro6431 University Avenue NE puter generated entries. For com- on page 1. Fridley,MN 55432 plete rules call Linda at 571-3506. SPRING 1995 CITY OF FRIDLEY 5 SUMP PUMP WATER REGULATED SEWER RATE INCREASED ecause unmetered sump pump water is entering the sanitary he City Council approved increasing the sewer rate from T$1.67 sewer,the Metropolitan Council Wastewater System is charg- to $1.83 per thousand gallons of water used. For ing Fridley a lot more money than we are collecting. Sewage residential customers,sewer charges are based on the amount disposal costs are applied to quantity offlow regardless ofcontent. of water used during the winter. This way water used for The additional water placed into the sanitary sewer system from watering grass and filling swimming pools is not included in the sump pumps increases costs to all of us. sewer bill. Sewer rates for businesses are abased on the actual To reduce the amount of water entering the sanitary sewer water used each quarter. system and to keep costs down, the City Council passed an The minimum quarterly residential sewer bill will increase ordinance making it illegal to connect sump pumps to the sanitary $1.92 from$20.04 to$21.96 based on using 12,000 gallons of sewer. Effective July 1,1995 failure to disconnect illegal connec- water. Customers using 20,000 gallons per quarter will see an tions will result in a$300 per quarter surcharge until the violation increase from $33.40 to $36.60. The bill for using 50,000 is corrected. gallons per quarter will increase from$83.50 to$91.50. As an incentive,until December 31, 1996,the City will refund The sewer rate increase was needed to reduce projected one half of the cost up to$450 to disconnect illegal connections losses from sewer operations. In 1994 the sewer fund lost from the sanitary sewer. You may choose to have the City make $364,835 and without an increase is projected to lose even more the disconnection and assess your cost over a 3 year period. For in 1995. Sewage treatment costs charged to Fridley by the assistance inspecting your system or disconnecting a sump pump, Metropolitan Council Wastewater Services(MCWS)amount call the Public Works Department at 572-3566. to 83%of the total sanitary sewer operation cost. MCWS is COMPACTED responsible for treating all sewage generated in the Twin Cities -- - BACKFILL metro area and was formerly known as the Metropolitan Waste CHECK �"`� Control Commission(MWCC). a.00"MINIA Since the total dollar increase is based on the amount of P,V.C.INLET PIPE water used,high quantity users may want to institute conserva- 1•: SUMP PUMP POUROUS FlLTER FABRIC tion methods to reduce their sewer bill. For example: when FLOW WELL brushing teeth or shaving do not let the water run; take shorter UNDISTURBED SOIL 30 ° TANK oo showers;do not use the toilet to dispose of bugs or cigarettes. ° For a list of water saving tips s call the editor at 572-3505. 000 20 To reduce the quantity of sewage sent for treatment and in To reduce water volume to acceptable turn reduce the sewage charge to Fridley, the City Council levels, we need your support. If your home has a sump passed a resolution forbidding residents from diverting sump pump draining into the sanitary sewer, use this method or pump water into the sanitary sewer. (see article on this page for other effective method to redirect it. For a larger drawing more information) call 572-3566. Fridley has a special reduced sewer rate for 100%disabled residents or senior citizens who are at least 62 years old and APRLL, HYDRANT FLUSHING meet income guidelines. For example,2 seniors with a house- hold income less than$19,850 would qualify. Applicants must Hydrants will be flushed in April as soon as the weather ` submit a 1040 form plus other documentation to verify income. cooperates. Flushing is done every six months to remove For more information about the reduced rate call the Utility iron and manganese deposits plus other minerals that build up in Billing Department at 572-3529. the lines during the winter. Fire hydrants are also inspected and Unfortunately since the MCWS usually increases their rates repaired. each year,Fridley will probably have to consider rate increases Flushing may create a disturbance in the water mains result- in the future to avoid greater Sewer Fund loses. A bright point ing in water discoloration. The water is acceptable for drinking, is that even with the increase,Fridley has one ofthe lowest rates though there is the possibility clothes may be stained during in the metro area. Below is a comparison of Fridley's 1995 rate washing. of $1.83 per 1,000 gallons to nearby cities' 1994 rates. Anyone who experiences water discoloration lasting longer Anoka .........................$3.08 per 1,000 gallons than a day should call the Public Works Department at 572-3566 Brooklyn Park.............$2.83 per 1,000 gallons during business hours. Fire hydrant flushing will be done Minneapolis (1995) ....$2.72 per 1,000 gallons Mondays through Fridays,but not on weekends'. Blaine .........................$2.45 per 1,000 gallons Coon Rapids ..............$2.33 per 1,000 gallons While waiting forthe spring thaw,please shovel out hydrants New Brighton .............$1.90 per 1,000 gallons near your home are. The Fire Department thanks you. Columbia Heights ......$1.64 per 1,000 gallons 6 CITY OF FRIDLEY SPRING 1995 City Calendar - Spring 1995 CONSENT AGENDA Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturda APPROVED Recycle 4 n an effort shorten meetings and 1 PL 2 HR Area 1-North lallot more time for complicated V) of Miss. St. issues, the City Council is now employ- ing a Consent Agenda. As with all other 5 6 7 can On 8 9 10 Recycle 11 CC The Council, HRA Area 2-South City Council meeting topics, documen- LIVE 7pm 01 31 of Miss. St. tation and background information is P R 572-3501 laced in a book which is available at the 12 13 14 15 16 17 Recycle 18 p A PL Area 1-North Municipal Center and Mississippi Street of Miss. St. library. The Consent Agenda includes only routine and non controversial ac- CC Area 2-South 19 20 21 EQE 22 23 Recycle 25 tion items such as motions, resolutions, of Miss. St. or ordinances which require a simple majority vote for passage. Public hear- 26 27 CC c°of 2 8 A 29 30 31 ings, or actions which require four or five CH affirmative votes for passage are not placed on the Consent Agenda. Consent Agenda items are placed on SundayTuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday the FMTV 31 government access cable 1 television channel electronic bulletin board the weekend prior to the Council meeting. i Can on 5 6 7 Recycle 8 The City Manager identifies Consent 2 374 7he Council, PL HR Area 1-North Agenda items and provides pertinent in- LIVE 7pm CH 31 Of MISS. St. _ 572-3501 formation about them. Anyone attend- 9 11 12 13 14 Recycle 15 ing the Council meeting may speak about ^, A HRA Area 2-South any item on the proposed Consent Agenda • of Miss. St. after the City Manager's summary. is 16 17 18 19 20 Recycle 22 NUTRITION PROGRAM -elEaster CC EQE PL Area 1-North Conf. of Miss. St. 23 24 CC 25 A 26 CTV 27 28 Recycle 29 A nutrition program for pregnant Area 2-South women, nursing mothers, and 30 CH of Miss. St. children improves the health of mothers and children by providing them with cou- pons for milk, infant formula, cereal, Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturda cheese, eggs, juice, and peanut butter. Nutrition advice is also provided. 1 2 3 4 5 Recycle 6 PR HR Area 1-North WIC is funded by state and federal of Miss. St. money and is administered by Anoka Recycle County. To find out if you or your family 7 g CC 9 On tpL 11 1Z y 13is eli ible call 422-7055. carr o"7HeHRA Area 2-South g Cmncil,LIVE 7pm of Miss. St. CH 31 572-3501 Q� 14 15 CC 16 EQE 17 PL 18 HR 19 Recycle 20 Calendar Code Mother's `� Area 1-North Day Conf. of Miss. St. A -Appeals Commission >1 21 22 CC 23 A 24 25 26 Recycle 27 CC -City Council Gd Area 2-South CH -Charter Commission I CH of Miss. St. CW v T -Cable TV Commission 28 29Memorial 30 31 Isay c;lY EQE -Environmental Quality&Energy offices Closed The City Council meets at7:30pminthe MunicipaICenter located at6431University Avenue NE.The public HR -Human Resources Commission is welcome.The Cable,Charter,and Park&Recreation Commissions meet at 7pm.Hearing impaired persons H PLA -Housing&Redevelopment Authority planning to attend public meetings who need an interpreter,or others with disabilities who require auxiliary aids, should contact the City Manager's Office at 572-3500 ten days before the meeting. The Municipal Center P I. -Planning Commission is accessible to disabled people. PR -Parks&Recreation Commission SPRING 1995 CITY OF FRIDLEY 7 POLICE AUCTION BIKE REGISTRATION April 2911 is a great time to get a good deal on unclaimed goods gathered by the Fridley Police Department and ARRIVES outdated equipment no longer needed by the City. The Fridley Police Department will auction off to the public at least 100 Fridley now offers bicycle registration. unlicensed bicycles,2 cars,a pickup truck,and a room full of Residents can registertheir bicycles simi- other unclaimed items including duffel bags,sports equipment, lar to how cars are registered. Cost is and tools. only$10 for three years Merchandise review starts on April 291h at 9am with the Two important benefits come with registering your auction starting at loam. The auction will be held at the City bicycle: Garage on 400 - 71 st Avenue behind Columbia Arena. For Theft prevention and recovery more information call the Police Department at 572-3629. If a bicycle is lost or stolen,even if it ends up in another Minnesota county,it can be traced to the owner through a 24 HOUR CITY INFO statewide computer system. If you buy a license your bike won't end up in the auction when it is recovered. TO BE AVAILABLE SOON Identification Ifa bicyclist is involved in an accident,law enforcement Any resident with a touch-tone telephone will soon be able officials can trace the bike to identify the rider. to access commonly requested City information.Anytime, Bike can be registered at the Fridley Municipal Center day or night,information will be just a call away. This citizen upper level between 8am and 5pm, weekdays, excluding information system is not designed to replace people. holidays. Bike information needed: applicant name, ad- It is designed to provide information about dress,phone number,bicycle brand name,serial number, upcoming street repairs, new resident date of purchase, and some other information identifying information, animal licensing the bicycle. requirements, City employment " opportunities,and much more.Watch If you have questions,call the Licensing Clerk at 571- for more information laterthis spring. 3450 or the City Clerk at 572-3523 Doo LICENSES "UE ridley City Code chapter 101 mandates that all dogs over the age of six months must be licensed - F and vaccinated against rabies. Furthermore,the tags must be affixed to the dog. Dogs&cats 1. Print information on the form and return it to the City with proof of current rabies vaccination. 4 2. Fees: $5.00 each year for non-neutered or non-spayed dogs. must be leashed unless they $2.50 for neutered or spayed dogs. (proof required) ��1 V ����1are confined in theiryard. 11� 3. Your license,certificate, and tag will be sent to you upon approval. W I Animal License Application License period from May 1, 1995 to April 30, 1996 City of Fridley License No. 6431 University Ave. (leave Blank) Fridley,MN 55432 Fee $5.00 -N-N;N-S Vaccination Date Age: Approximate Weight $2.50 -N; S Pet's Name: Color: Sex: Breed: Applicant: Address: Zip: Telephone Number Applicant Signature FOR OFFICE USE 8 CITY OF FRIDLEY SPRING 1995 MCGRUFF TRUCK CREATED TORNADO AWARENESS WEEK he Fridley Public Works trucks are now a safe refuge TWeek.ornado sirens will sound on April 271h during Tornado Awareness Tin case oftrouble or if someone needs assistance. It is When the sirens sound at 1:45pm and 6pm take a few minutes called the McGruff Truck. It is similar to a program at home,work,or school to plan your route to the nearest severe weather Minnegasco and NSP have had for years. shelter. During this week learn what the following terms mean and what to do ifyou hearthem. Sirens only sound for weather conditions causing The people a anyonTruck Severe Thunderstorm Warnings and Tornado Warnings will provide help to anyone,,cGruff espe- r cially children, if they are close to SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH their home,going to or from school, Weather conditions are favorable for severe thunderstorms. in shopping areas,or simply lost. TORNADO WATCH The McGruff Truck can be Weather conditions are favorable for tornadoes. Be alert and stay flagged down any time to call for informed of changing weather conditions. help.To flag down aMcGruffTruck raise both arms over the head and SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING move them back and forth. This Severe thunderstorms have been sighted. Be prepared to seek shelter. signals the driver that the child or adult needs help. TORNADOES and heavy rains causing flash flooding,large hail,high Because all Fridley trucks are equipped with radios, damaging winds and lightning may accompany severe thunderstorms. the driver is able to call for assistance immediately. TORNADO WARNING What a McGruff Truck driver does: A tornado has been sighted. Seek shelter immediately. Take a Based on the training they received,a McGruff Truck portable radio with you to keep informed of changing weather conditions. driver will either notify the dispatcher or call the police directly when flagged down. McGruff Truck drivers do not: FRIDLEY SETTLES IN FRIDLEY McGruff Truck drivers are there to help. However, his is the second in a series outlining interesting occurrences in they do not: Twhat is now Fridley. Every effort is made to be accurate. If ♦ transport people,nor place them in the truck, anything needs to be added or changed, please call the editor at ♦ provide first aid except in extreme emergencies, 572-3505. One correction from last quarters's article is that the ♦ give medicines of any kind, Revolutionary war actually ended in 1787. The war started in 1775 and ♦ act as an escort service, in 1776 the Declaration of Independence was signed. ♦ enforce the law,guarantee safety,or 1851 Abram M.Fridley,for whom Fridley e ♦ approach children unless they appear to be in trouble. was named,settled in Manomin. xTto y 0f, iss `. If you feel threatened or lost, flag down a Fridley 1851-5213anflllplatted the town ofManomin, ' FrIPY' `•ji Public Works Truck with the McGruff Truck label on it opened a general store,and erected a `, part and ask the driver to call for help. sawmill on Rice Creek. 1995 Fridley Spring Newsletter . CAR-RT-SORT Mayor......... William J.Nee CITY OF FRIDLEY BULKRATE Councilmember-at-large.....................Nancy J.Jorgenson 6431 University Avenue NE. U.S.POSTAGE Councilmember Ist Ward................... Steven E.Billings Fridley, MN 55432 PAID Councilmember 2nd Ward ................. Dennis L.Schneider- y' Minneapolis, MN Councilmember 3rd Ward.................. Ann A.Bolkcom 571-3450 Permit No. 2886 City Manager...................................... William W.Burns Editor.................................................. Jim Froehle CITY OF FRIDLEY SERVICE DIRECTORY Administrative Offices/Municipal Center..........571-3451) POSTAL CUSTOMER Office hours: Sam to Spm,Monday-Friday. 24 Hour Recreation Hotline: ...............571-9397 TDI) ......... ................ . . .. ...... ...............572-3534 Liquor Store ......... ...............571-3480 Police(24 Hours-Non-Ernergency) .................... 572-3629 PRINTED USING SOY BASED INK ON 100%RECYCLED FIRE AND POLICE EMERGENCY...911 Cy PAPER CONTAINING 15% POST CONSUMER WASTE