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I 1) I ii �, :. i �- li i Ill : son s Sam1111 ple Sale. These are high quali . : : li ! ::: .it I!. i l; it! : ::: I!. .:: ; - : ::Mli!!!M!!i!!Mi . : I ity Iiiii - Ili I '. it. . . ..�- :I : ii..�**iiiiiii..*�"iiiiiiiiiiii: S. I - .1 *' :::.::..:..:....r.t �. I ; : : .. ii .. ;NS : i :it !I �1.1*iiii.�*ii*,.�*iiiiiii*.-*i*I - . fw� MMM115111!z leather products sold at 50% off retail. This is lqlfo *1 ,igg-ilgiiiiiiiii -11 IIlIi1111i il .. :4 ill I!Ili!II .: i 1111 :i M I!011ITIN!Yfl i1i 111 :i I 1; . i z -- 00 ITA i .. (11 great chance to do some early Christmas lilMi. : :1111 ill :;iw:`-- z ::i::. 0111111111 11HO I Ilii I 1�11111$11 . ho in the alth air ; : i q'i ;;2!i it . i.. lillillilil .l. - . MM!Nii! : . Mi� i -!I i.M.-IT, **'** ; * . 11-1 :. : l : ,. ; ... ...; .... - ;;l; 'it,:,: N . Join us during e He F . "*'***** V. 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MR : ill! 1111 I : 11111ill I: ill: IS 11M iiiiiiii : I * ill * t ;1 : * - *****' * - : . i : ,i* I � 1: : ;r.ij, 111*1 10.1 -1-.. ** I 111 " I 01 211 I *. ..... -; T: ?'-.1 ; " �tl 111111111 III! ii�ili il-0 !:!: ii;Nfill 111i IN.! :Ili! 1; , ;;.i i vl- *( *I i`...."I i------..i *I.....' "" ..... j: :` i i-i.... 11i V 511, 11 1111. t: i :. . . .. M. . : ill:: t. . :: ::t it: . :., I :.: . . . it : iiii I *..:: 111 i iiii�: :;;:: : : Z. . * : iii: 111IIIIIIIII; i. . ill:R .. ;.;.;; i - ;: .: * . : i : * :lllll:ili:l!1 I: i I! 1 ij ` : : � . '* . -�... ::;;� : , : !;�; -:2l:: * 1-IN : -..:;: � :7 .. i ... .. - i .. ;-- i .. - .. :**** ...l... i 11 .. ....... I......., i.; ..� . ; * � : .......- z i 11.... :I I ......I .... : I...... z : L.- I �* ; ........... ..........1 . i ' - Program sponsored in cooperation with the City of Fridley,ISD#14 and the seniors in our community. I -- i � e � ..:........:... .......... ...............:...:......... .........err.... i.............:.:::s!::.. H,:! riven ! i! I.. ..i.!i!'iiiiiizii,!;;i�i i!zi!!:z:• 1 ili:.'?z�I€iiii::•::'.!....:.> Defensive D G. 1 .n.In.,.t. s.l :... 8 — Course : !iii(yi rse U1111111MIN11111 ..u..i....!. November 7 & 8 $20.00 includes lunches Fall is upon us and snow is just around the comer. For snow shoveling this year I will be Lawnehair Weaving taking names after Oct. 15. Please call if you Thursdays beginning September 28th need the help. The cost of snow shoveling is 9:30am $7.50 per hour. All snow shoveling is hand Free instruction. shoveled by skill bank workers (ages from 14 to senior citizens). We do not have snow LEAFS blowers or plows for the workers to use. Life Enrichment Adult Forum for Seniors Remember that when the snow falls that the Series of Sessions on Productive Aging shovelers might have school or another job Presented by local seniors but they will get to you. I am in the office from 8:30 - 12:30, Monday - Friday. September 18-October 2-16-30 Call Colleen at 571-1304. 8.4 5 - 1.00m am P St Phillips Lutheran Church 0 6180 Highway 65 NE »:::.:::.::>::>::<:>:::...... Cost: $7.50 per session The Outreach Update is that the Fuel For more information, call St Phillips at 571-1500. Assistance budget was cut 50%. Which means there is less money available. You can • not pay any of your grant to your electric `'` . : : : :. com any for anon-heat related bills. j P : .::.:.:::.::... :.::.;.:..::::....;:::...:::::..:....:..:::: Please call to setup your Fuel Assistance October 5th 10:00am appointment1 Appointments will be made after Airplanes-WW2-Oshkosh Air Shows Sept. 21. Don Cochrane, Safety Engineer& Pilot f r Pay er'n [i l.. October 12th P 6:00 m Or:<; Charter Review Ban quet � ': : ......... �........... 'Yi4:�l�i1 N;: ::><:>::;i:;;:�: y;>'>;6'<'<>�< <;<>* ?*:f:*':*':i* ??:i:;; ! Program: The Magic of Dexter `sera w�l� helpt + ent vrttl1 dasrQo First Lutheran Church of Col Hts. rd[n end t�ffcfivita� To V, l Otnn st3# 4 6:00pm (Note Change) .. October 19th 10:00am HAPPENINGS BOOKS South Africa NOW AVAILABLE AT THE Chuck Aycock SENIOR CENTER jOctober 26th 10:00am $25.00 Ostrich-The Livestock of the 21 st Century Thanks for supporting the senior Duane Johnson, Ostrich Rancher !:.is .:..,....:.... .....:.:......... :!:,:!:, :..::.::.... I:;:i:::::::::;::;:. a ...... :..........:... ......! ......... ......!.::::.................. 1!x:.::...:...... .. ..... ... .......... .: ru.. ...........,..:......1 .:.......:>:>...... g ., 1 rr:n.n::.:EE:EE!EE:�;,f'::.I:;';:!;;....�,..l.,.,.E......,.........'..1rt,.:u: .. II.!?�.�,..?..ir.j,ir:ii:r.,s:.i..+i:Nw•l:iirS;i: ....:!!I':iu!!n:n:iii.inSir'ii';?r',i;.�:1s!::.:;>.:I.:::!I:,:,.I:a.r:..1,:•,::i:t:!'f ii`i;1i°'"'i.">.'.•.•.�..:.�:.:s:!::.:,:, ,r: IN 5, :::, ,!! i. .. , N: 1... 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I.i 1..1..1 ................. . .......,.:...I....,..,7!!1,.111.,.,...t......,.....E...al..,t , ll..l l.,.......:..:. ,....I..,.......... dee t"ieater October 10th 1:00pm A Little Princess Little Princess is the charming story of the power of one girl's spirit to change her life and the fortunes of those around her. Raised in an exotic and luxurious world in India, s e is miserable when she attends boarding school in New York. But she draws strength from knowing that to her father she'll always be a little princess. Remake of a Shirley Temple classic. October 17th 1:00pm Roomates Peter Falk stars in this touching story . His roomate is his grandson, a 35 year old doctor, whom he has raised since childhood. Their saga spans over 30 years including any life changes. Rocky is determined to stick around for as long as it takes to teach In m life's most important lessons. + > n::lax Autumn Excursions xfr Fall Colors Tour . : October 12th .:;:: .:::: ` ::: ::::...::::::.;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.;::.;:.;:.;; Join us as we venture to St. Croix Falls for lunch .::...;:.;::;:.;:.;:.;:.;::::::.;;. :.::::.: tm : St Croix Falls Festival Theater production and the S C iv p Pte:; ....... ;;:.::.;:.;;. Of The Vinegar Tree. A stop at apple orchard 9 P an PP d u day. will en our Y 1.:. . ::. ::.:::::::::::::.:::::::.::.::::::::: Cost: 25.00 includes lunch performance and C $ , ' Prt o ation. : " trans "<I* >« « 1 .:. .+ . : Fanny Hill `You Better Watch Out : ::: Tuesday, November 14th ' Join us for our holiday visit to Fanny Hill Dinner -31 O O Theater. The Dinner Theater theater will be +d C : > Y decked out in its holiday finest with animated f .;:;::.. figures and thousands of twinkling lights, all g g 9 complemented by a delicious meal and delightful ::YI. 1 ,.:::..; comedy. Its Christmas Eve, there's no room at the Inn, so what's a "Santa" convention to do?!? Cost: $42.00 includes lunch, theater, . :..........::: motorcoach ...:. .........:.:......: t!ki<d33U,;: 1 : !. . . : . :! >..;,:3 , U. . ..r �;kk :.: . . Pa e i:.. .:i!!q::l:!irE!FfV?,E,4E::s::s::V!:,., id... �:Y,;:;!,!!,,, !,::!:.::.,:.::.,:,.:4 !i!;;: �:;;;i;!.::. 1.x,..:.!........::3:::.^a.i I I. I ...... .... ..,. ,......i. ...�..... ... ..... .3:1..,.., ..1. ,31„ ...!I!!'! !e!!y:;rsrid4!s;�!isii:c;:,;;,;!r;i;;,::.,,::..i.......l ;:?!,?:V::1:r!3!.....aa:.::n,;:si!:!:V!:!,G,a::r. .-fn`:....:,....... :: .:::!!.3..........,„ i...:.:u,.....,..!..1,l.1.�.....:..I.:........:...:.::......:..�r,.:1..::....�..I..,..:.............l...).:.::::...... .: r p The Golden Belles of Fridley - A Senior Dance Group "We've Come A Long Way Baby!" U der the direction of Pat Sauder, fourteen women, age 62-82, can make that statement with pi'de. They are the "Golden Belles of Fridley". This group was organized by Pat Sauder three years ago. She agreed to direct us as her volunteer project. The rules were simple: "Through R-tin or Snow or Dark of Night, or . . . . . H or High Water, be ready for practice two or m re hours every Wednesday morning." Needless to say, she now has a group of committed w men willing to work very hard. To date, we have twenty routines, each with costume Il cl anges, in our repertoire. The group is self-supporting from donations received. We make all of our costumes and they ar, exquisite! i� Tiue Ambassadors of Fridley with 112 performances to date, the majority of them have been <I IoDal. We have performed as far away as Long Prairie,MN and Milaca, MN. We are presently bi anching into many St Paul sites. 11 A special thank you must go to St. WIlhams Catholic Church for giving us a place to practice each week. Members are as follows: armen Burris, Rosalie Frank, Sig Hart, Addy Malcolm, Marlys Meyers, Mary Lee Miller, ]Rose Morris, Marilyn Myrhe, Florette Neisuis, Kaye Parks, Nancy Russell, Pat Sauder, Betty Shay and Betty Walker. We are available to entertain you. Just call the Fridley Senior Center, 571-1304. a Kraus Hartig Y g Fridley High School :a Seniors Halloween Party .. Wednesday, October 25th presents Bake Sale: Open at 3:00pm FOOTLOOSE Cash Bar: Open at 4:00pm Dinner: Served at 5:00prn Annual Senior Fall Dinner Party Dance: 6:00pm - 10:00pm Thursday, November 16th. P Cost: $4.00a able at the door. This is a p y fun, high energy musical. Dinner will be served in the cafeteria at You must make reservations. 6:00pm followed by the play. Please Tickets available at the Fridley` reserve your place by November 9th so a Senior Center on a first-come, meal count and ticket order can be placed. first serve basis. Cost: $7.50 inc. dinner and play. 13115111151=111- 0 : .!..:.:: ty.•t.„ !::3..: �wr.tt:..t:. Page ri .:r: r::.:: :I ..� m:•:, enior Dining Menu - October 1995 r 5.Site Phone7 /.,, q A� Voh�nteers of America y X Mia MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 2 3 4 5 6 BBQ Pork Riblet Baked Salmon/Lemon Seasoned Chicken Polish Sausage Wild Rice Veg.Soup/Crax. OR:Sliced Turkey OR:Meatballs/Gravy Mashed Potato/Gravy OR:Beef Patty Turkey Sandwich on Scalloped Potato Parslied Potato/Marg. Sunshine Gelatin Salad Sauerkraut Whole Wheat Bun Baby Carrots Scandia Vegetables Whole Wheat Bread Baked Potato/Marg. Mayo Oat Bread Rye Bread Cherry Strudel Stick Cracked Wheat Bread Pineapple Rings/Lettuce Oatmeal Macaroon Rice Raisin Pudding Tropical Fruit Cup Strawberry Mousse Cookie OPTIONS OPTIONS OPTIONS OPTIONS OPTIONS SR Scalloped Potato RCD Pudding SR Gravy SR Beef Patty. SR Soup RCD Apricots SR/RC Sunshine Salad SR Carrots SR Turkey RCD Peach Sauce RCD Strawberries 9 Oktoberfest 11 12 13 Swedish Meatballs Sauerbraten/Gravy Sliced SR Ham Seasoned Chicken Chili with Kidney Beans Mash Potato/Gravy Potato Latkes Macaroni Cheese Potato Salad Com Bread Diced Rutabagas SweetSour Red Mixed Vegetables Broccoli OR:Beef Pasty/Gravy 12 Grain Bread Cabbage Tomato Juice Enriched White Bread Tossed Salad Pear Sauce Pumperknickel Bread OR:Chef Sld/Ry-Krisp Apricot Sauce Fruited Gelatin./Topping Apple Pie Butterscotch Pudding with Topping OPTIONS OPTIONS OPTIONS OPTIONS OPTIONS SR Meatballs/Gravy SR Sauerbraten SR Mac and Cheese None SR Chili SR Gravy SR Tomato Juice RCD Fruited Gelatin RCD Applesauce RCD Pudding 16 17 O'ibway Day 1 19 20 Beef Stew Country Fried Steak Oven Baked Fish Rio Grande Steak Hot Turkey Sandwich Garden Peas OR:Roast Beef Parslied Potato/Marg. Spanish Rice Mash Potato/Gravy Baking Powder Biscuit Mash Potato/Gravy OR:Wild Rice Casserole Broccoli Stir Fry Vegetables Almond Cookie _ Steamed Spinach Whole Kernel Corn Tossed Salad Frosted Poppy Seed Cake 9 Grain Bread Whole Wheat Roll Brown Bread Fresh Fruit Blueberry Pie Chocolate Pudding with Topping OPTIONS OPTIONS OPTIONS OPTIONS OPTIONS SR Beef Stew SR Roast Beef SR Gravy RCD Blueberries SR Rio Steak SR Turkey RCD Pineapple Sauce RCD Choc.Pudding SR Gravy RCD Pear Sauce 23 24 25 26 27 Chicken Breast Patty Salisbury Steak Pork Chow Mein with Meatloaf/Catsup Baked Chicken German Potato Salad Mash Potato/Gravy Vegetables OR:Cheese Omelet Sweet Potato Sliced Carrots 3-Bean Salad Chinese Noodles Baked Potato/Marg. Coleslaw Rye Bread 12 Grain Bread Steamed Rice Harvard Beets Cracked Wheat Bread Sugar Cookie Lemon Meringue Pie Peach Half/Lettuce Whole Wheat Bread Cranberry Gelatin with OR:Taco Salad Pineapple Chunks Topping OPTIONS OPTIONS Birthday Cake OPTIONS SR Chicken Breast SR Steak/Gravy OPTIONS None OPTIONS RCD Fruit Cup RCO Fresh Grapes SR No Soy Sauce RCD Cranberry Gelatin RCD Angel Food Cake 30 Halloween Scalloped Potato and SR Spaghetti&Meatsauce Ham Parmesan Cheese California Vegetables OR:Chicken Brst./Gravy OR:Cottage Cheese Green Beans Fruit Plate Tossed Salad/w Ranch Wheat Roll Egg Bread Cinnamon Baked Apple Carrot Cake OPTIONS OPTIONS SR Potato and Ham SR Spaghetti Sauce RCD Cinn.Apple Slices I RCD Pudding 1%milk and margarine is served with each meal. Skim milk is available upon request. Some days there are two choices for the entree, indicated by the word OR. Please state your selection when you make your reservation. Other food options are as noted: SR = salt restricted,RC=restricted calories and RCO=restricted calorie dessert. These options are available at your choice and may also be ordered when you make your meal reservations. We use only fresh,light or juice packed fruits;vegetables are served without added salt or fat. We are happy to serve you delicious, healthy and nutritious foods. If you have questions regarding meals or options,feel free to ask your site manager,or our Nutritionist. Your comments are welcome,call 546-3242. Thank you for dining with Senior Diningl volunteer.d America Senor 0"1s funded lMough the federal Older AnwIcane Act by a W.4 horn the Mehopolitan C—wl prep Agency on Ageg,elde pppropn J—mut pe.tklpmt conbibrtbne. 1 1i. 11 u. .I.::......::,:.i..:.::.. ri A Letter From t le he Fridley .•1. i. : iddle School to All Seniors First of all, I want to thank the many volunteers who continue to help us. Some of the days this i e have 800 children, ages 10-14, with lots of past summer were so hot it was unbearable. different needs and talents. But one thing they all They never complained and the diners were s are is a need to be valued and to be successful. faithful about coming too. What a wonderful If you are someone who enjoys children and group. Again, Thank You. would like to make a difference, we could Just an update. We celebrate birthdays on the d finitely use your help. You could: last Wednesday of every month. We have work one-on-one with a child helping with snacks, punch, and ice cream with Birthday classwork cake. We also have a drawing for a cash gift. tutor math or reading You have to be present to win. Read with a small group of students We'll be having a Halloween Party on Tuesday Share a talent ( crafts, music, . . .)or life October 31st. Sally and Don Esmay will be here experience (The Depression, WW2, . . .} with to play the violin, guitar, and piano. I haven't a small group of children heard them but understand they're excellent. Help non-English speaking students We'll be asking for a donation which Sally and These are just a few of the ways you could help Don give to Hospice. &ildren feel valued and capable. Please come to Hope you'll look at the menu, see the good ar, Open House / Orientation on Thursday, dinners and join us this month. October 26th at 9:30am in the school cafeteria to Congregate Dining Week is Oct. 30 - Nov 3. 1 lo)k at how your specific talents could make a haven't recieved the November menu, but call difference in a child's life and in the life if our me around the 10th and I'll have it. cc mmunity. Enjoy the cool days of Fall. look forward to seeing you. Lois (571-6085) 1 Margaret Leibfried, Principal .: e are very excited about a joint venture we have planned with Unity/Mercy Hospital and their C diac Rehab Department. Finally, exercise is back. Many of you have been asking for it but ur til we found the right instructor with proper training we didn't feel we could offer it. Shaun, th D. Exercise Physioligist, will conduct our class in the CEC gym every Monday-Wednesday- F 'day at 8:00am. Cost of each session is $1.00. We need to have an ongoing number of 10 th a maximum of 30 to keep this program going. We hope you can join us soon. Flexibility, Strength and Endurance will be stressed. The class starts on October 23rd. Because there are cl iss limits, you must pre-reigister. Special Thanks to Allina Health Systems for being so Community minded! ,... I : ....................... .. .,............ii.l 1......:................... 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Look forward to seeing them again! Nov. 71th Rosie Griep from the Fridley Police Dept. will speak on Scams Against Seniors. November 1st We will also play BINGO. 10:00 am - 3:00pm Nov 131th Our Annual Members Dinner will be held on Monday at 4:30pm in the Gym. Fridley Senior Center The cost will be $4.00 a person. Pres. Bob Persgard will be chairman and Chief Cook. Browse while at the Health Info He'll need volunteers so you guys and gals, Fair here's your chance to help! There will also be a Chinese Auction so be sure to start looking for a usable item to donate or make. There will be more details in future newsletters and at meetings this fall. 7ur It should be a fun time and hope to help our treasury. August 22 Results Dec. 5th The Christmas Potluck will be at 1st Place: 11:00am at the Fridley VFW on Osborne Millie Welton / Nora Anderson Road. Barbara Tilson will be entertaining us 2nd Place: with her Christmas show. Mary Lewis / Marge Anderson Be sure to mark your calendar for these dates and come bring a friend or two. There 3rd Place: will be refreshments served as usual by our Ardie Chesney/ Fern Swanson faithful Refreshment Committee. 4th Place:(Tie) Yvette and Bill Miskowic Arlene Stowasser/ Eunice Swiathiewicz No Special Hands. Next Tournaments October 24 R 'stration deadline is Friday, October 20th. Pl a call ahead if you need to cancel so we can f d a sub. 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Don't miss out. Call Connie for a reservation. St Paul Cathedral Tour IW a only have 40 seats. A freewill offering at the event November 17th 12:00departure is appreciated by not expected. This is a free event! Omni Theater - The Serengeti i r Fridley Senior Program Non-Profit organization Community Education Center U.S.Postage 6085 7th Street NE PAID 4-- ] Fridley, MN 55432 Minneapolis,MN Permit No.2613 41 i Thompson, Connie 6085 7th St NE Fridley, MN 55432 ROM i -'i i i .... v.. ...e. ........ ............................ ..........,. ..................... .:...::.rrrrr.rr:......•..• u.,...,... ........ : ........,..,.. i I...... I