11/1985 Senior News SENIOR SHQP2TNG, MONTHT,Y $TIYITI FS.RfTRF. TFc+r+e Transportation is provided to Holiday Free blood pressure tests are offered at the Warehouse each Wednesday afternoon of the Community Education Center, Room 10, 6085 7th month and to Target the second Tuesday of the Street. The November schedule is: month. The bus will leave the Congregate Tuesday, Nov. 5..... . . . . .11:30-12:00 Noon Dining site at 12:30 p.m. on Target days and Thursday, Nov. 21. . ... .. ..12:30-1:15 p.m. home pick-up will begin at approximately 12:45. Remember high blood pressure has no symptoms to warn of its presence. Regular check-ups Thanks to the generosity of the Lions Club, are necessary for detection. there is no charge for this program. For a bus reservation, call 571-3450, extension 122. PARTY WHIST A recent addition to the Senior Shopping Every Thursday from 1:00 to 3:30 p.m. , all Program is Northtown/Bob's Produce on the 1st seniors are invited to play whist or just Thursday of each month. The bus will leave socialize at the Community Education Center. the Senior Nutrition site at 12 . 30 p.m. A donation of 25 cents is requested. Get out Shopping at Northtown will be from and join us for an afternoon of fun. approximately 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. ending the - - trip with Bob ' s Produce & specials for seniors! "Friendly F TmT.FY RENTOR Nr]TRTTTON PROGRAM Nov. 5 - Business M& Hot meals are served Monday through Friday at Program wit, `0 12:00 noon in the gymnasium of the Community RefreshmentE Education Center. Everyone under the age of 60 is asked to pay $2.50 - all others are Nov. 19 - "Birthday" - requested to make donations. Menus are Thanksgiving published weekly in the Sun Newspaper and Refreshments Star and Tribune. Reservations must be made at least two work days in advance. To place Dec. 3 - Election of oft your reservations, please call 571-6085 Business meetin between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. For more Entertainment b� information, call 546-3242. Refreshments SENIOR TRANSPnRT Dec. 17 - Lunch at Country Buffet 1: Transportation is provided to the Fridley Birthday Celebration Senior Dining site. Anyone wishing to ride Please sign up with Alvina or the bus to dining must notify Connie two Lucille if you would like working days in advance. Calls should be to come. directed to 571-3450, extension 122, Monday This outing everyone pay for through Friday, between 8:30 a.m. and 10:00 your own lunch. a.m. A 50 cent round trip fare will be charged. Jan. 71 1986 - Installation of officers Entertainment - Surprise! 9 'rrr Refreshments . r r w Aw Jan. 21, 1986 - New officers & committees 500 Ciam w #6 0-1 to put on a Chow Mein _ dinner. Please note A 500 card club meets on Wednesdays in the further information will Community Education Center's Room 10. Novice come! and experienced players are encouraged to attend. The session is held on Wednesdays All meetings start at 1:00 p.m, from 1:00 to 3:30 p.m. These plans are subject to change if CRIBBAGE necessary. Every Friday from 1:00 to 3:30 p.m. seniors are invited to play the delightful game of Submitted by Pres. Alverna Lorbeski cribbage at the Community Education Center. - Join in the Fun! - n - c - "4� 5WWA- 111, The Historic Cedarhurst Mansion � i71d . .. i nnDttr�lri s n I•t }tnnDttr ON St � rn Ww"" We begin om 6un-6 Beed day with a guided touts a6 the Hiztotie Cedatthuut Manzion. The 26- Aoom man1s.ion haz thttee 6i.Leptaeez, nine bathtoomis, an etevatotc, and a 100-600t veAanda in addition to the ba.Y Loom with an 8 Lana theatAe pipe organ. A2zo on the estate ,vs a wa22ed, 6ottmat toze gaAden and va& outs out-buitdc:ng1s inctud.ing the oAiginat ice house. Demontstttation o6 the RobeAt MoAton theaters pipe ottgan wiU be given to ouA gttoup. 1=o-P.2min.g the tom and pipe organ demonztAatc:on we witt enjoy a bu66et .luncheon which conzi/stz o6 a hot entttee, ,6atad, AoUt6, Ae,eizhu, dezznt and beveAage. To add to thus /spec iat day we w,i tt visit the ReindeeA Hawse, in which we wiU be given a guided tout o6 the ptin.tring ptant that iso many people 4Aom ate overt the U.S.A. visit. The. ReindeeA Houtse -its 4u t o6 handeAa�ts by M,innaota aAti/st/s. . .i 0ndeA�u,2 /stitcheAy, wood- wot k, ottnamenv, bpeciat boon and much note. Come touA the ReindeeA Howse Gott Some Aacinating ideat5, Thanksgiv,i.nG decotati.on/s and dun.ing the ChtLi6;Nas IseaSon the ReindeeA House iz abound with hot iday det iJghts. 1 ALL I yyt WHEN: Thuuday, NovembeA 21, 1985 9:30 - Depattt atom St. WiUiam/s Church I5outh paAkin.g tot (V.i�lage GAn. pick-up) 10:30 - TouA o6 the CedaAhuAst Manu-ion and pipe ottgan demon6ttatien 12:00 - Bu66et Luncheon 1 :45 - TouA o6 the Re,indeett Houlse Ptunting PAez/s and I5hopp.in.g time 3:45 - Return to St. W.iUiamis Chuneh (appttoximate) COST: $16. 50 pets. pe zon - inctuda toult o� the Cedatthuttlt Maw5ion, Bu66et tuneheon, Pipe ottgan .show, Touts o4 the ReindeeA House pAinti.ng pttesz, and Motoncoach tAawoAta.tion. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ REGISTRATION - OUT ON THE TOWN - CEDARHURST MANSION/REINDEER HOUSE ;NAME(S) . ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: AMOUNT ENCLOSED: r - 3 - SENIOR CITIZENS In an effort to provide the best possible Out On The Town program, I am asking you to take a moment of your time to complete this survey. The following are suggestions for places and events for future Out On The Town trips. Please check any that might be of interest to you. Also, please feel free to write in any suggestions that you may have for trips. Chanhassen _ Renaissance Festival (weekend only) Old Log Theater _ Minnesota State Fair Guthrie Theater — Little Six Bingo Ice Follies _ Apple Orchard 's Jonathan Paddelf ord _ Red Wing excursions Baseball Game - MN Twins _ Cedarhurst Mansion Cooper Theater _ Glensheen Mansion - Duluth Style Show _ Taylor Falls Scenic Boat Tours American Swedish Institute _ Anitque Shops Orchestra Hall — Christmas shopping Ordway _ River Palace Dinner Theater Showboat Theater — Foggy River Boys Radisson Playhouse _ Chippewa Falls at Christmas time Bachman 's Greenhouse _ Mississippi River excursion Minneapolis Institute of Arts _ City Lakes Tour Minneasota Museum of Art — Stroh 's Tour Minnesota Dance Theater Stillwater U of M Rarig Center _ Ringling Bros. Circus KSTP Television - Good Company _ Canterbury Downs Tonka Toys _ Fanny Hill Supper Club WCCO Television Samurai Restaurant U of M Arboretum _ Minnesota Zoo Minnesota State Capitol — Fuji-Ya Restaurant* Minnesota Historical Society _ River Place Restaurants Mayd Clinic — Rudolphs Bab-B-Que Butler Square Buildirg _ Mother Tucker's Restaurant Riverplace _ Winfield Potters Calhoun Square - Uptown — Lord Fletcher 's Of the Lake City Center Forepaugh 's Restaurant Reindeer House Tobie's Restaurant Winona - Anderson House Criterion Please indicate the days you prefer for these outings: M T W Th F Sat. Sun. Certain theaters offer only evening performances. Would you be interested in attending an evening Out On The Town? YES or NO If yes, which of the following would lie_�of--itttrest to you: Chimera Theater Nutcracker Fantasy (Christmas) Cricket Theater y Orchestra Hall ADDITIONAL SPACE FOR ANY TRIPS OF INTEREST THAT YOU MAY -HAVE: Thank you .for your assistance. Please return this form to Lynda at the Recreation Department at your earliest convenience. _ 4 _ seniors South to Northfield. What to do on Sundays - if you were a — The theatre group wish to thank- Heidi_ member of Fridley Senior Theater Group that Grosch for inviting us to their play and for problem could be lessened by attending being our host and providing free admission. planned activities. One such event was a We also thank Connie for her service of trip to St. Olafs College in Northfield where making the arrangements for the day. seven of our local seniors saw a play put on by the college students. The day started out To anyone of the seniors of our area who with the Lions Club breakfast at the would like to join the theatre club or obtain Community Education Center last Sunday more information, they can do so by attending morning, October 13, an excellent way to one of our monthly metings which are held on start a day. Later, arriving at St. Olafs the second Tuesday of each month at 1:30 p.m. with the help of a map provided for us by in the City Hall Community Room II, or by Connie, we were met by Heidi Grosch, a friend calling Connie at 571-3450, extension 122. of Connies and the director of the play we The Theatre Group is fairly new, the first were to see. Heidi gave us the needed meeting was in June and to date we have instructions and explained where we were to attended three events with at least four more go; the first stop being the chapel where we planned for the near future. attended services. The music and choir were strong, eliminating any need of hearing aids. Bill Campbell After service, we traveled to the coffee shop where we enjoyed a light snack and especially enjoyed .25 coffee with .5 ref ills in addition to .20 bakery goodies. Those prices rolled us back a few years. Following lunch and a session of chatting we wondered around the Campus center a little and then headed for the building where the play was to be presented. The play was unique in that it was a HELP TdAMED court trial and the jury was comprised of twelve people selected from the audience. The Fridley Recreation staff is always These twelve panelist would determine the looking for talented people for leaders fate of Karen Andre who was accused of the and instructors for our activities. If murder of her employer and apparent lover. you have a special skill that you would like As the trial progressed a drama was unfolded to share, or an interest in working with by the various witnesses who offered their people of many ages, come in and talk with testimony. Some of the witnesses lent a us. We are also interested in your ideas touch of humor to the trial such as the for classes and activities we can offer. cleaning lady with one sock down and the Stop by and share your thoughts or call other one up; the nosy swedish neighbor lady, 571-3450, Ext. 122. and the smug private eye who continually - referred to his notes. Other witnesses provided suspension, mystery and speculation. Throughout the trial the drama continued to MS become more intense with evidence, first MSB NEEDS VOLUNTEERS swinging in Karen Andre's favor and then against her. At the end of two hours of testimony, and a few motional interuptions, the presecutor MSB, founded as the Minneapolis Society and the defending lawyer presented their summation after which the jury retired to for the Blind, needs volunteer readers their deliberation room. A few moments later and drivers to assist blind people. the panelist returned with the verdict. The verdict was read by the foreman; the judge Daytime hours. For more information, offered his thanks, but pronounced an call Diane Homstad, 871-2222, ext. 114. admonition to the twelve jurists. Lucille Milford and Esther Campbell were two of our group selected to serve on the jury: they will be glad to fill anyone in on the - 5 - particulars and details of the end results. .,N,e�S THE SILVER PAGES The new season for the billiard players began with four tournaments under a new A national Senior Citizen discount program. format of competition. Instead of an A new way to expand your budget. elimination set-up where winners may have to T h e Silver Savers Passport i s an stay most of day and perhaps play no more identification card that entitles persons than four games , a schedule called sixty (60) years of age or older to discounts round-robin is being used. In this system, and special offers found in the Silver Pages there will be classes of 4, 6, or 8 players Senior Citizen Discount Directory. Both the and each will play five games in succession Silver Pages and the Silver Savers Passport against other players in their class. In the card are free of charge. first round there were 4 classes of six men each and most expressed their satisfaction Application forms may be obtained at the with this new system. The present schedule Fridley Senior Center , see Tony for has rounds being held on the second and instructions. fourth Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 9:00 a.m. & 1:00 p.m. One class for the more experienced Watch for these comin_a ev_P_ntG shooters and another class for beginners & At the Senior Center casual players. The membership is divided into two groups. Arrangements can be made Casino Day - November 17, 1985 for beginners, or anyone else, to take New Years Eve Party - December 31, 1985 lessons by calling the Senior Center. 3rd Anniversary Party - January 12, 1986 Valentines Day Party - February 14, 1986 In the first tournament, which was an Tony Lorbeski, 8-ball mens singles event the winners were: Senior Center Manager A-1 Les Krugen; A-2 Harry Westman; B-1 Herman Heath; B-2 Hal Anderson. The next tournament will be an 8-ball mens doubles. Following AMERICAN RID CROSS - ANOKA COUNTY matches will include games of "100 or bust", CLASSES AND VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES "nine ball", and "one pocket. " Which will run through the winter months and into early The following safety courses, sponsored by spring. Any one wishing to join or anyone in the American Red Cross, are being offered to need of more information call Bob Gardner the public during the month of October. For 572-1777 or Bill Campbell 786-0890 . The registration or course information, call the billiard room is across the hall from the Anoka County Branch office at 421-3398. Senior room at the Community Education Center CPR CLASSES which is located on the corner of 7th St. and 61st Ave. There are three tables and they November 4, 6; 6.00-10:00 pm are open for senior use most days from about 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Ask either at the Coon Rapids Sr. Center senior room or the office for entrance to the 1323 Coon Rapids Blvd. room. Thanks to the Senior Center there is a Coon Rapids new table this year along with more November 12, 24; 6:30-10:00 pm equipment. Valley View School Library It is hoped that as many of you who enjoy 800 - 49th Ave. NE billiards will avail themselves of this game. Columbia Heights Everyone is welcome. MULTI-MEDIA FIRST' AID On Wednesday evenings there is a couples group that meets for fun, coffee, and November 4, 6; 6:00-10:00 pm friendly chatting; no reservation needed, Col. Hgts. High School just show up. 1400 - 49th Ave. NE Rm. #208 Columbia Heights 0 00 0 The Anoka Branch is still in need of volunteers. Everything the Red Cross offers, from classes to disaster services , is dependent upon volunteers. Please help us keep these vital community services operational. Call Jo Ellen Christiansen at 421-3398 for specific volunteer opportunities 6 - and further information. NOVEMBER Sun ondav TuesdavThu rs S 1 2 Cribbage Bowling Sign up for �... Lions Dinner 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Party Whist FFF Meeting Holiday Shopping Crafts Cribbage Bowling 1 :00 p.m. Cards (500) Blood Pressure Crafts Club Meeting Bowling 11 :30 - noon Seniorcize 1 :00 p.m, Northtown & Bob's Produce Shopping _ 10 11 12 13 14 Bowling Theater Club Holiday Shopping Party Whist Cribbage Veterns Day 1 :30 p.m. Cards (500) Crafts Bowling City Hall Closed Target Seniorcize 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Holiday Shopping Party Whist Bowling FFF Meeting Cards (500) Crafts Cribbage 1 :00 P.M. Seniorcize Blood Pressure Bowling 11 :30 - noon 24 25 26 27 01vPsTA 28 29 30 Health Awareness Holiday Shopping Bowling 12:30 p.m. Cards (500) ` CITY OFFICES CLOSED "911 & then what" Seniorcize 11 - 8 - vn Winter Senior Bawl Attention Senior Citizens A bawling tournament for seniors will be Once agian the Anoka County Community Action held on December 5 at Maple Lanes. It will Program will be administering the FUEL be open to all seniors, 55 or more, and will ASSISTANCE Program in Anoka County. You may: be a handicap tournament. Also available is A. Schedule an appointment to be seen a buffet lunch which Maple Lanes caters for at the office $4.50. It consists of chicken, meat balls, potatoe salad, cold slaw, rolls, coffee, and B. Be put on a waiting list to be seen relish tray. Bowling cost will be $5.00 with at our home b a senior outreach $1.75 going into the prize fund. Entrants y y will be divided into classes of about ten worker. each according to averages. Money prizes ' 86 FUEL ASSISTANCE GUIDELINES will be awarded for three places. To enter fill out entry blank and mail check and blank Household Size Income Level to Bill Campbell 1011 Center Circle, Fridley, 1 $ 7,088 MN 55432, or put it in an envelope marked c/o 2 9,518 Bill Campbell, and drop it off at either 3 11,948 Connie' s office at City Hall or at Maple Lanes. If more information is needed call If your yearly gross income is at or below 786 0890. Last year there were 30 bowlers, these guidelines, you may be eligible for 16 card players and 49 who enjoyed the buffet assistance. lunch. All entries must be mailed in by Wed. CALLS CAN BE TAKEN Nov. 27. If you prefer to have lunch only, 9 am to 12 pm or 1 pm to 3 pm you will be welcome. Bowling Notes 784-2443 by Bernie The top rollers of the past month include Ask for FUEL ASSISTANCE Howie Schultz who came close to the 600 marker with a 582 followed by Bill Campbell with a INFORMATION NEEDED 559. Win Hunt racked up four series of WHEN APPLYING FOR FUEL ASSISTANCE 553,551,550 & 534 since September 15. Terrific bowling for a Senior I'd say! 1. VERIFICATION OR PROOF OF ALL Tillie Lindberg paced the women' s action SOURCES OF INCOME for the past 12 month with a 497 series followed by Dorothy Smith' s period. This includes a copy of your 480 and Evelyn Ordner's 471. monthly social security check, interest statements, wages, pension, VA benefits, Come join the group for a couple of hours etc. of fun every Monday and Friday at 1:00 p.m. Maple Lanes welcomes you! 2. If you rent, a RENT RECEIPT. ------------------------------------------ 3. Your most recent HEATING BILL. BOWLING ENTRY FORM I 4. MEDICAL RECEIPTS NAME : Bowl 5 .0 0 ( Average : 5. SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER. Lunch $4 . 50 Select Boxes of your choice: If you have no current average, please make an HONEST GUESS. I �` I Checks payable to "Maple Lanes" i ♦ .i Open to all Seniors 55 or more . THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1985 AT 10 : 00 AM AT MAPLE LANES i yam/ ----•-------------------------------------J - 10 - NUTRITION NMMER HEALTH AWARENESS PROGRAM Come join us in the November Health Awareness Program where the topic will be NUTRITION. The guest speaker, Mary Bishop, from the American Red Cross will talk to us about the correct diet for persons as they / get older. The programs are going to be held at the following locations: Thursday November 7 Dayton Senior Center 12:30 ' Thursday November 14 Blaine Senior Center 12:30 Thursday November 21 Anoka Senior Center 12:30 Friday November 22 Coon Rapids Sr. Center 12:30 Tuesday November 26 Fridley Senior Center 12:30 Jot one of these above dates on your calender to learn more about NUTRITION. "ZZLE NO. 13 EXCELLENT APPLE NUT COFFEE CAKE 1 2 3 4 s 6 7 8 9 10 11 DOWN 1-Flying CREAM TOGETHER: 12 13 14mammals 1/2 C. OLEO 2-Single item 15 16 17 18 3-Fruit 1 C. SUGAR 4-Article of 19 20 furniture 5-1n�ert ADD: li ` 21 22 23 G-Chaldean 2 EGGS city 7-Lair 7 TSP. VANILLA 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 8-Slue•-mov- 38� ing lemur MIX TOGETHER: / 31 32 33 J-Nearly nk lo-Watch. face 2 C. FLOUR I 34 35 36 37 38 lI-Ofisprug (pl.) 1 TSP. B. POWDER 1G-Ilind Part 1 TSP. SODA 39 4041 42 18-Above :22-Crippled 114 TSP. SALT 43 44 45 46 47 23-CondclCls 24-gratuity 48 49 SO 25_Surrow ],merged ADD FLOUR MIXTURE TO CREAMED victorious .S4 MIXTURE ALTERNATELY WITH 7 CUP Sl 52 53 20-Goal3n-\eager SOUR CREAM. FOLD IN 2 C. FINELY SS 56 57 35-Aphorisms3G-I2, wand CHOPPED APPLE. SPREAD IN GREASED 37-Alone 9 BV 73 PAN. 38-Fleet of armed ships ACROSS 28-Flap 52-Time lone by 40-Wipe out COMBINE: 31-Alaidon loved 54-Girl's name 42-Directed 1Atam against by Zeus 5_ 6., Attitude 43-Break 1/2 C. NUT_ 5-Lmbryu 32-Extinct bird 56-Canine suddenly 7 TSP, CINNAMON Mower 33-That is 57-Irish 44-Came 8-young buys (abbparliament r.) played 2 TBSP. BUTTER MELTED 1'1-Us ut 34-Wooden pin on horseback 4f,-Vedic fire i 1/2 C. BROWN SUGAR 13-Before Celebes 36-1te 1 `airs god :18-L)anish land 14-Mixtuir•e division 1 / / 47-Close SPRINKLE OVER BATTER. 15-Tone quality 39-N�'ant securely In music 41-Float in air BAKE AT 350 DEGREES FOR 35 to 17-Man's name 43-Reproduc_ 4 40-Mournful 40 MINUTES. 19-vapid tive body 50-Pig 20-Musical 45-Kind of 53-Procced instruments loran (pl.) 21-River duck 48-Wanderers 23-]•'ewer 50-Tribune 24-Number 51-Beverage 26-Less cuoked (Pl.) 11- ANSWERS WILL $E-IN NEXT MONTH'S NEWSLETTER, EMMERS LKT PRfYtRAhq SCHEDULE OF ACTIVITIES AT THE FRTDT, SENIOR CEDER Walk for fun, relaxation, challenge, & exercise while attaining a distance goal MONDAY of 100, 500 or even 1000 miles. Upon Classes in pool playing - Classes will start reaching your goal, you will be eligible Nov. 4, 1985 - 1:00 p.m.-2:30 p.m. (Glen for an award. Log your mileage on a personal Schroeder - 784-4373) log sheet over a four month period. Mileage Beginners Wood Carving - 9:00 a.m.-12:00 accumulated in the 100 mile level is included p.m. - September 23rd. (George Morin) in the 500 mile level. We have mapped out TUESDAY walks in the area for your convenience or you Ceramics - 8.30 a.m.-11.30 a.m. -JoAnn can check your own. For more details, Johnson (571-2315) contact Connie at 571-3450 Ext. 122 Calligraphy - 10:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m. - 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month ANNUAL LIONS CLUB CHRISTMAS DINNER Friendly Folks (Senior Club) - 1st and 3rd Tuesday - 1:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m. The Lions Club will once again be sponsoring HDMgDAY their annual Senior Christmas Dinner at Pool (Tournament Play) Morning and Sandees on Tuesday, December 10, 1985. There Afternoon - Bill Campbell-786-0890, Bob will be three dinners at 11:30 a.m. , 2:00 Gardner-572-1777 p.m. , and 4: 30 p.m. Transportation is Pool - Men and Women - 7:00 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. provided for the 11:30 a.m. dinner only. The Cards - (500) - Open - 1:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Recreation Department will begin to accept reservations on Friday. November 1 . 1985 at Crafts - 9:30 a.m.-12:00 m. 8:00 a.m. Reservations may be made by P• calling 571-3450, Extension 122, beginning Cards - Whist - Open - 1:00 p.m.-3:30 p.m. November 1st. Do not call before friday, FRII November 1st at 8:00 a.m. Wood Carving - 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. (ADVANCE) - Sept. 20 - George Morin Cards (Cribbage) - Open - 1:00 p.m. Cards (Cribbage) - Tournament-Last Friday (� every 6 weeks - 1:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. SATURDAY Senior Nutrition Program Center is Closed Monday, November 11th is Veterans Day � Activities have been temporarily celebration with a red, white & blue meal. Sunday We' ll be having swiss steak, parsleyed suspended. Watch for new schedule. buttered potato, spinich, whole wheat roll & OTHER ACPTVTTTF.. - blueberry shortcake. Referral Service Tuesday, November 26th, will be our Food Drop for Southern Anoka Community Assistance Thanksgiving meal. Join us for roast turkey & all the trimmings. CONGREGATE DINT , Congregate dining is scheduled Monday through Wednesday, November 27th is the birthday Friday. Transportation has a .50 round trip party. We will be celebrating all the fee. Reservations for dining and November birthdays. Come early for treats. transportation must be two (2) days in advance. Call Paula Walde, 571-6085 for After dining, we'll be playing bingo. If dining and call 571-3450 , Ext. 122 for you need a ride home, speak to me about it. transportation. FQTRRF. AC IVITTF_S BEING PLANNED Our meals now include two weekend carry Bingo, Silk Flower-making, Chess, Bridge. out lunches that can be ordered by Wednesday These activities are funded through Metro each week. Council Federal Title IIIB Program, private contributions, and other sources. Some of Mark Thursday, December 19th on your these events are co-sponsored by Community calander. We will be having our Christmas Education. dinner and party that day. Make reservations two working days in advance 571-6085 - 12 - ( ' wbm 09 ubzg Yds' 0U gTnq V a n `06VT' rVm :;�aavu0a ay mOUq : 0OV 0p n0h �1) •06b:;�:�nm g adh:� -�DaVroa aw Yo g7nq V y rm aan7da�j •:�-ba� dblq rpm wtuw-�' "Papoo� , pVb `sy6r� pasrs-aaau `s�aunx?� 61A;rr-raD . OVT'. rra�wtlo �6novlg aura 0� p-na7 h W adh� 6u0�um aye vo abv��Vm y61qy 00:� Y0 q-jnq y SNOIlb'G►N�WW0��21 Zaw:)xx � u0 du+n-� a y -u0� adh:)� p,nr az? �i a nrud0zrddb a y srgn�q :�-�6r� auy SNOI1Sin1 Shcng 1H�17 iI��H� 1SIUD-3W A1I.JbS 3HOR City of Fridley BULK RATE Recreation Department U. S. POSTAGE 6431 University Avenue N.E. PAID Fridley, Mn. 55432 MINNEAPOLIS, MN Permit No. 2886