06/1979 Senior News t Senior Citizen Newsletter Friendly _ oI s Fridley Recreation Dept. 571 - 3450 in cooperation with Community Education, Ind. School District No.14 JUNE 1979 JUNE BIRTHDAYS JUNE PREVIEW Vivian Baer June 3 TUES. JUNE 5 - BLOOD PRESSURE TESTS, June ,dha.-ton June 4 Parkview, Rm. 20, 10:30-11:3 a.m. Al vi n,a Wenner June 5 'iola S ranvstad June 8 WED: JUNE 6 - 5OO Fsr-idae, Parkview, Hale' Mar:1. i1'sen June 9 1:00 P.M. Joe >ulesH June 10 'Earl 9oeu June 12 THURS. JUNE,-7-_ _ - CCC, Parkview, 1 :00 p•Burmeister June It Painting Class, Pa✓ktiicv , p Rm., 2C, a n k I i n Koo z 4z ne 33 0.45 - 11:45 iRr:hb..^ca. tilims June 13 Lela Peterson Jude 16 WED, JUNE 13 - 500 Br-id e F'ar loci+�,P l.o,~raira L.ab-illot June 17 -- 1:00 p.m. . i.cona,d M,ost:rom June 18 Ellen I_ar°-�n June 19 THURS. JUNE 14 - CCC, Parkview, 1:00 Roy Peterson June 21 - Jack Mla-Vusen June 21. TUES. JUNE 19 - Senior Meetinq, 1:00 Ru ty Anderson June 23 Fridley United Methodist church 01aura Ballinger June 27 Catherine Bosche June 29 WED. JUNE 20 - 500 Brides, 1:OO p.m. , . Lawrence` 5;Y'rnson June 30 Parkview. 49`ers Dance, 7:00 - 9:O0 SP10OR ME=r idGS THMr S� JIJNF 21 - BLOOD PRIES SU it TESTS, During the SLHmiiier months, June, July Parrview, 12:30-1:30 p.m. '`9 ers and August, Fridl : seniors will meet Fowling Tournament. CCC. `— the 3rd T!;csday c:-,-I each month at 1:O0 r.m. I`'.etin s are held at the Fridley SUN. JUNE 24 - Arts in the Paylks, United. Met-hodi st Church, 666 Mi s i ssi ppi `-R�--- —_ __ _ Street. WED. JUNE 27 - 5ii0!Br�id e, Parkview All other activities are held at Parkview 6085 -• 7th `street. For i'urther i nfo7-oa ion THURS. JUNE 28 - CCC, Parkvi ev;, 1:00 contact C�;rw i e MCl1,i 11 i on, Recreation, 571. _ ����?,�_ t'c � �iir��i i 1 e Lacs '1450 Ext, 123. I i NEW MEMBERS "Rl%�LEY CON—REGATE DiNING 71_ 1New members for the Friendly Fridley Hot meals are served i'londay through Friday at Folks are welcome at all times. We 12.:00 noon, ir. the gymnasium/cafeteria. currently have 305 members in the Friendly Everyone under the age of 60 is asked to pay Fridley Folks. The group has grown very $1.65, all others are requested to make a rapidly since last year when we had 124 donation. Menus are published weekly in the members. New members are always desired Sun Newspaper and in the Star and Tribune. and welcomed. We have a great group, Reservations must be made at least two work- let's share it with others. ing days ahead of time. To place your reservations, please call 571-6085, between To join, you must be 55 years or older. the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. , Monday Yearly dues are $2/person. If you through Friday. If you have any questions wish to join, you can complete the forms concerning the program call 332-2316. at the meetings or call the Parks and Recreation Office at 571-3450. TRANSPORTATION * * * _HEALTH HAPPENINGS * * * How to make bus reservations to Congregate Dining: FREE MONTHLY BLOOD PRESSURE TESTS 1. In order to have a smooth running Free blood pressure tests will be offered schedule, anyone wishing to ride the at Parkview S<zboo_l„ Rm. #20, 6085 - 7th bus to Congregate Dining must notify Street. In June the schedule is as Connie 2 working days in advance. follows: 2. Calls should be made to 571-3450, Tuesday, June 5 - 10:30-11:30 a.m. Ext. #123, Monday through Friday Thursday, June 21 - 12:30-1.:30 p.m. between 8:30 - 10:00 a.m. Remember high blood pressure has no 3. A .25�,, round trip fare will be charge,` symptois to !yarn of .its presence. Regular to cover gas expenses. check-ups are necessary for detection. 4. Be sure to call Congregate Dining foir WELL. SENIOR CITIZEN CLINIC a dinner reservation. 1323 Coon Rapids Boulevard TUTORING Tel e 1.one: 755-5300 Services Offered: Annual Physical Exami- Cathy Fry, a Social Worker with the Fridley nation, Health Counseling, Blood Pressure Schools has contacted me for names of seniors Screening, Information and Referral . interested in tutoring elementary and junior Fee: Suggested fees range from $3.50, if high students in any subject matter. If you person' s irrcon-,e is $350/month or under are interested, please contact Connie at ($450/couple) and up to $25, if the patient's 571-3450, Ext. #123, and I will pass your nan income is over $1,000 per month. along to Cathy with your subject specialty. Hours: Open Wednesday and ,Thursdays by appointment. The clinic has hours during . NEW �MEMBERS business hours. For information and appointments, call 755-5300. Ray Harrison, Clara Gram, Henrietta Manke, Evelyn Biste, Chester May. DENTAL DISCOUNT The Chicago Dentists have started a Special FISHING 1PITHOUT A LICENSE Discount; progran'r for senior citizens. For , more info rrnation you can call the Chicago State residents age o5 and over are allowed to Dentists at 332-2631 . fish in Minnesota lakes and streams without a license. Older Minnesotans can also camp free Chicago Dentists in state parks Monday through Thursdays if 1031 Nicollet Avenue they have a park sticker. The stickers are free Minneapolis, MN 55403 with proof of age. Phone: 332-2631 JUNE MEETINGS c 4!PERS DAY SCHEDULE The June meeting starts our summer Monday - June 18 - Teen Anyth� in�C Goes, Moore Lake meeting schedule of one afternoon Beach. Beard Contest Judging, To be Announced. meeting a month at 1:00 p.m, at the Fridley United Methodist Church. At Tuesday - June 1.9 - Tennis Tournament, Commons. the June 19 meeting, Peggy Doyle from Miss Fridley Pageant, Sr, High Auditorium the Courage Center will be with us for a sign language presentation. The Wednesday - June - 20 - Retail Days (through June meeting is during 49'ers Days so who 23rdj� *Sr. Dance, Parkview. Teen Disco Dance knows what else could happen at our Moore Lake Beach birthday celebration for June. ThursdqL - June 21 - *Sr. Bowling Tournament, KITCHEN BAND Maple Lanes. Chamber Luncheon, Sandees. *Sr. Crafts Fair, Parkview. City Band Concert/Movie . Some of our members have expressed Parkview. an interest in starting up a old time kitchen kazoo band. What a Friday - June 22 - Softball Double Header, 49'er, great idea! Anybody interested in vs. Channel_ 4. & Fireman vs. Police, Common: forming a band should call Connie, Fireworks,Commons. 571-3450, Ext. #123. Saturday - June 23 - *Grande Parade. Qaeens CARDS COFFEE & CONVERSATION Celebration. Lions Water Carnival , Moore Lake., Canoe Dom, Moore Lake. Family Picnic, Moore Bridge and 500 are played each Wednesday Lake. 49'ers Celebration Ball , American Legion. afternoon from 1:00 to 3:30 p.m. , at Parkview, Rm. #18. Sunday - June 24 - All-Star Softball Gam,- s, Commons. - Party Whist is the name of the game every Thursday from 1:00 to 3:30 p.m. , *SENIOR ACTIVITY at Parkview, Roy; #18. CONGREGATE DINING_ MENU TUES. MAY 29 - 7'omatoe Juice, BEEF STEW, Coleslaw, Strawberry-Rhubarb Pie, Baking Powder Buscu�.' WED. MAY 30 - BAKED CHICKEN, Cranberry Sauce, Mashed. Potatoes/Gravy, Buttered Spinach, Carrot- Raisin Salad, Birthday Cookie, Roll_-Margo THURS.. MAY 31 - Orange Juice, TUNA-MACARONI SALAD with Cheese Squares, Buttered Peas, Chocolate Pudding/Whp. Tpg. , Birthday Cookie, IVhol_e Wheat Bread--Marg. FRID. JUNE 1 - ROAST BEEF, Baked Potatoe/Sour Cream/Chives, Buttered Squash, Three Bean Salad, Fresh Banana, Rye Roll-Marg. MON. JUNE 4 - SI'&DISH 114EATBALLS in Gravy, Mashed Potatoes, Buttered Carrots, 'Three Bean Salad, Chilled Pears, Whole IVheat Roll- I Marg, TUES. JUNE 5 - BAKED CHICKEN, Cranberry Sauce, Mashed Potatoes/Grq.vy, Buttered Peas, Coleslaw, Chilled. Plums, Dinner Roll-Margo IVSD. JANE 6 - Orange Juice, BROILED BEEF LIVER, Sliced Onion Gravy, Buttered Whole Potatoes, Carrot-Raisin Salad, Oatmeal Cookie, Whole Wheat Roll-Marg. 'TI AIRS. JUNE 7 - HAM LOAD/Alustard, Scalloped Potatoes, Buttered Broccoli, Coleslaw, Fresh Banana, Rye Roll-Marg. FRID. JUNI: S - COLD ROAST TURKEY, Cranberry Sauce, Potatoe Salad, Buttered Peas, Tomato i°Jcdges/OL/Mayonnaise, Rhubarb Pie, Whole Wheat Roll-"1„� MON. JUNE 11 - MEAT LOAD', Catsup, Scalloped Potatoes, Stewed Dice Tomatoes, Tossed Salad/1000 Is. Dr. , Fresh Apple, White Bread-Marg,. TUFSo JUNE 12 - BAKED HAM, Candied Sweet Potatoes, Buttered Whole Kernel Corn, Coleslaw, Chilled l'o-ars, Rye Roll-Marga WED. JUNE 13 - TURKEY A LA KING on Baking Powder Biscuit Square, Buttered Green Beans, Pineapple/Cottage Cheese/0!, Chocolate Pudding/Whp. *I'pg. , Margarine. THURS. Mlvli 14 - Orange Juice, BAKED CHICKEN, Cranberry Sauce, Potatoe Salad, Buttered Carrots, Chilled Applesauce, Whole Wheat Roll.-Mark, FRI. ,JUNE 17 -- BAKED FISH, Tartar Sauce, Macaroni F, Cheese, Buttered Beets, Fruit Salad, Frstd, Peanut Butter Bar, Rye Bread-Marg. JUNE & JULY EXCUitj3fON SCHEDULE REMINDER FOR THOSE REGISTERED - JUNE EXCURSION IS TO MILLE LACS LAKE FOR LAUNCH FISHING. WHEN: THURSDAY, JUNE 28 DEPART: FRIDLEY UNITED METHODIST CIiURCH 11:30 to 8:00 p.m. COST: $11.00 per person WHAT TO BRING: FISHING POLE, LUNCH (BAIT IS FURNISHED) DEADLINE: FRIDAY, MAY 25 SENIOR SUM14ER PICNIC "Pot Luck Style" WHEN: THURSDAY, JULY 19 TIME: 9:30 a.m., to 4:00 p.m. WHERE: CARL NELSON'S CABIN ON LAKE SPECTACLE WHAT: It's a picnic on Lake Spectacle. There will be special events and games plus plenty of food! Everyone attending is asked to bring something whether it is a hotdish, salad, pickles, rolls, or a dessert. *Please contact Nellie Aitchison, 571-0107, or Bea Sorsoleil, 571-4908, to let them know what you would like to bring. DEPARTURE: 9:30 a.m., at the Fridley United Methodist Church COST: $1.00 T If you wish to drive, take Highway 65 North into Cambridge. Turn left on to Highway 95. Go about 8 miles and turn left on to highway 47. Drive about 1 6?c� m lime and turn right on :to County Road 37. V) Drive about-3blocks to the first driveway on the right to his cabin. 3 ---------------------------------- ------_------------------- BUS REGISTRATION $1.00/PERSON NAME: ADDRESS: PHONE: # OF RESERVATIONS: AMOUNT ENCLOSED: =s